发布时间:2013-09-23 09:41:30
GWT in Action (1)Chapter IThe difference between GWT and all those other frameworks is that with GWT you write your browser-side code in Java instead of JavaScript.GWT allows you to interact with existing JavaScript code.At the core of GWT is a Java-to-JavaScript compiler that produces cod.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-09-23 09:36:32
GWT笔记(Google Web Toolkit)1一、GWT介绍1)GWT目的:通过提供相似的Java开发环境,并隐藏各浏览器不兼容的部分,使AJAX开发变得更容易。2)GWT统一了客户端和服务器端的代码,形成了用一种语言来编写:Java。这有许多优势:(1)熟悉Java的开发者比熟悉JavaScript或Flash的开发者多。(2)Java的开发工具非.........【阅读全文】