发布时间:2014-12-11 22:46:19
fg、bg、jobs、&、ctrl + z命令一、 &加在一个命令的最后,可以把这个命令放到后台执行 ,如gftp &,二、ctrl + z可以将一个正在前台执行的命令放到后台,并且处于暂停状态,不可执行 三、jobs查看当前有多少在后台运行的命令jobs -l选项可显示所有任务的PID,jobs的状态可以是running, stopped, Terminated,.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-12-08 07:19:16
Opsview Core is suitable for developers investigating open source monitoring options for small IT and test environments. Based on Nagios 4, Opsview Core offers fast, simple, open source monitoring with easy access to a wide range of plugins.
Customers wishing to support a mission critical production environment who would like advanced monitoring functionality including dashboards, auto-discovery, process maps and powerful network analytics should try out the free trial for our Pro and Ent......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-12-08 02:27:14
fdisk -l 查看磁盘情况fdisk /dev/sda2 对sda2磁盘进行操作p 列出分区表l 列出分区类型m 列出.........【阅读全文】