发布时间:2015-03-02 17:49:16
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"><head> <title></title> <style type="text/css"> body { background-image:url(http://cdn1.glamour-sales.com.cn/media/homepage/wedding.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-01-29 17:50:27
有以下几种方法可用:(以py脚本为例,其他语言类似。)1.driver.find_element_by_id("id =aaa").find_elements_by_tag_name("option")[1].click();2.select=driver.find_element_by_xpath("//select[@id='ShippingMethod']")select.find_element_by_xpath("//option[@value='8.34']").click()3.from selenium..........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-01-23 15:19:05
刚一开始自己 echo 了一下他们两个 值是一样的,就纳闷了,怎么一样呢?不想了 ,查手册去,查阅int time(void) :返回当前的 Unix 时间戳 (返回自从 Unix 纪元(格林威治时间 1970 年 1 月 1 日 00:00:00)到当前时间的秒数。 )这句话是重点———————————————— 自 PHP 5.1 起在 $_SERVER['REQUEST_TI.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-01-13 16:33:21
curl_exec(PHP 4 >= 4.0.2, PHP 5)curl_exec -- Perform a cURL session说明mixed curl_exec ( resource ch )Execute the given cURL session.This function should be called after you initialize a cURL session and all the options for the session are set.参数chA cURL handle returned by curl_init().返回.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-01-12 16:38:08
<?phpfunction dfopen($url, $limit = 0, $post = '', $cookie = '', $bysocket = FALSE, $ip = '', $timeout = 15, $block = TRUE) { $return = ''; $uri = parse_url($url); $host = $uri['host']; $path = $uri['path'] ? $uri['path'].($uri['qu.........【阅读全文】