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发布时间:2015-03-22 16:52:12

//Given a binary tree, return the inorder traversal of its nodes' values.////For example://Given binary tree {1,#,2,3},//   1//    \//     2//    ///   3//return [1,3,2].////Note: Recursive solution is trivial, could you do it iteratively?import ja.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-03-22 16:51:21

//Follow up for "Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array"://What if duplicates are allowed?////Would this affect the run-time complexity? How and why?//Suppose a sorted array is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand.////(i.e., 0 1 2 4 5 6 7 might become 4 5 6 7 0 1 2).////Find the m.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-03-22 16:50:28

import org.omg.CORBA.ARG_IN;//Given a positive integer, return its corresponding column title as appear in an Excel sheet.////For example:////    1 -> A//    2 -> B//    3 -> C//    ...//    26 -> Z//    27 -> AA//   &nb.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-03-22 16:48:37

//A message containing letters from A-Z is being encoded to numbers using the following mapping:////'A' -> 1//'B' -> 2//...//'Z' -> 26//Given an encoded message containing digits, determine the total number of ways to decode it.////For example,//Given encoded message "12.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-03-22 16:44:57

public class compareVersion {public static void main(String[] args) {// TODO 自动生成的方法存根}public int compareVersion(String version1, String version2) {        int flag1[]=new int[version1.length()+1];        int flag2[]=new int[version2.length(.........【阅读全文】

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