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发布时间:2015-09-19 15:40:02

//Gray Code My Submissions Question Solution&nbsp;<br />//Total Accepted: 42115 Total Submissions: 126486 Difficulty: Medium<br />//The gray code is a binary numeral system where two successive values differ in only one bit.<br />//<br />//Given a non-negative integer n representing the total nu.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-09-19 10:50:28

//Given a string s1 , we may represent it as a binary tree by partitioning it to two non-empty substrings recursively.<br />//<br />//Below is one possible representation of s1 = "great" :<br />//<br />//great<br />// &nbsp; / &nbsp; &nbsp;\<br />// &nbsp;gr &nbsp; &nbsp;eat<br />// / \ &nbsp.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-09-19 10:49:54

<br /><br />public class PartitionList {<br /><br /><br />public static void main(String[] args) {<br />// TODO Auto-generated method stub<br /><br /><br />}<br />public ListNode partition(ListNode head, int x) {<br />&nbsp; ListNode p=head;<br />&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;ListNode prehe.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-09-19 10:49:29

//Largest Rectangle in Histogram My Submissions Question Solution&nbsp;<br />//Total Accepted: 44118 Total Submissions: 193905 Difficulty: Hard<br />//Given n non-negative integers representing the histogram's bar height where the width of each bar is 1, find the area of largest rectangle in the h.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2015-09-19 10:48:46

import java.util.Stack;<br /><br /><br />public class MaximalRectangle {<br /><br /><br />public static void main(String[] args) {<br />// TODO Auto-generated method stub<br /><br /><br />}<br />public int maximalRectangle(char[][] matrix) {<br />&nbsp; &nbsp;int m=matrix.length;<br />.........【阅读全文】

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