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发布时间:2013-12-30 07:26:06

Lanternes sable dans la région ouest de la ville de Zhuhai, Zhuhai Doumen District subordination GOUVERNEMENT DU plastique blanc Personnes ville administrative, une superficie de 14,7 kilomètres carrés, 9800 personnes population. Vivre ici depuis des générations à la pêche en mer, connus Sh.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2013-12-21 09:16:11

Chanel brand and her founders do not generally have a legend : Chanel Ms. Coco Chanel founder worked in a convent school learned hand sewing skills. 22 -year-old Coco Chanel became a " cafe singer" , by singing karaoke and cafes living . In 1910 , Chanel in Paris, opened a women's hat shop child .........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2013-07-19 08:24:22

1821 Year: LouisVuitton founder was born in eastern France, Franche-Comte province. 1837 Years: 16 years old LouisVuitton exile, to Paris for the elite packing. 1852 Year: Napoleon III ascended the throne, LouisVuitton was elected Queen of the Queen's manual labor, from high society involved. .........【阅读全文】

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