发布时间:2013-07-30 11:16:48
A kernel thread, sometimes called a LWP (Lightweight Process) is created and scheduled by the kernel. Kernel threads are often more expensive to create than user threads and the system calls to directly create kernel threads are very platform specific.A user thread is normally created by a thr.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-07-22 20:28:35
接下来,我们看看s3c2410处理器芯片的irq初始化函数/* arch/arm/plat-s3c24xx/irq.c *//* s3c24xx_init_irq** Initialise S3C2410 IRQ system*//* s3c24xx系列芯片中断初始化函数 */void __init s3c24xx_init_irq(void){ unsigned long pend; un.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-07-18 20:45:45
七度黑光完美之道,不在无可增加,而在无可删减。540 views16Aug中断号和芯片中断引脚的关系1 个回复<Aug 16th, 2009 kernel helight一直以来搞不懂这个中断号的来历,总以为是中断控制器自己规定的一个号,但是最近在.........【阅读全文】