发布时间:2013-03-24 14:03:03
It may seem like data deduplication technology for backup has been around forever, but there are plenty of companies that have yet to add dedupe to their backup operations.Data deduplication is the process of eliminating redundant data by comparing new segments with segments already stored and.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-03-24 13:59:52
(摘自SearchStorage.com)Rich Castagna offers a list of five developments that we all want to see in the data storage market in 2013 but, alas, probably won't. Why? Because vendors continue to drag their heels.Hope springs eternal, especially at the outset of a new year. Even for a jaded, som.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-03-24 13:24:49
2)solution-2(方案2): 用数据变量1) Solution-1 (方案一)公共继承1) Solution-1 (方案一)公共继承1) Solution-1 (方案一)公共继承续 I 中最后提出的问题:如何让用户写一行代码就可以利用embedded的方式获得base class提供的功能?你也许会问,这重要吗?多写几行又不会死人 :) 作为一个基础设施的设计者,你千万不.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-03-01 11:48:28
在平常工作中,用过很多设计模式,但是今天我要描述的应该是被我用的最多的,因为它的抽象功能很强大,在很多场合都可以被用上。有趣的是,这种设计模式又有很多种变形,这些变形可以用于不同的平衡策略。下面我们来一一讲解它们。 1. Problem(问题)如果我们想要给某个类加上计数功能,这个功能可以使.........【阅读全文】