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发布时间:2013-06-17 15:19:26

ign and equipment in a production environment, and so many objective factors, there are many subjective factors. Measurement accuracy of the system is low, then to a big waste of resources, resulting in the loss of raw materials; affect product quality, the use of each material are constant.<a&nb.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2013-06-17 15:18:36

izontal cracks. When the slurry made gas early, while pouring edge hair gas, slurry has been sent from the gas injected into the mold after pouring mouth, and from the bottom of the flock to the sides and ends of theLight Weight Block Machine arc to form pores uneven density stratification, in body .........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2013-06-17 15:17:46

rinkage values, and aerated concrete equipment products will continue to adapt. It is just water absorption, whenever it rains or snow days, if water absorption is too low, then the building will be a great loss.When people buy bricks will consider isLight Weight Block Machine the ability to use lo.........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2013-06-17 15:15:09

 put into practice after a month, it can greatly reduce the chance of cracks caused by dry shrinkage, piling up Light Weight Block Machineto do when rain and wastewater treatment, try not to open, covered with a cloth one class. Gas is also made of aerated concrete equipment for production of .........【阅读全文】

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发布时间:2012-12-17 13:51:15

Grader adjust head work and the hydrostatic testing results!    In the process of grading machine, sometimes the actual head is greater than the need to lift the extra lift this grader mostly consumed in the partially closed gate valve resistance, wasting a lot of electricity, su......【阅读全文】

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