发布时间:2016-07-21 08:58:55
Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is designed for low data rate applications, like control signals, sensor readings, etc. However, occasionally there is a need for higher data rates with BLE. The theoretical over-the-air data rate of BLE is 1 Mb/s, but that’s the PHY layer transfer rate between dev.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2016-07-21 08:57:52
硬件ATMLEL SAMB11 ble4.1评估板、android4.4手机、iphone5s,以及CC2540 USB dongle 蓝牙抓包工具开发平台 ATMEL STUDIO, adt bundle for windows首先要看下ble4.1规范,了解下ble基本知识和GATT协议以及数据包格式。1. ATMEL STUDIO自带SAMB11 ble协议栈,基本程序开发就是根据它的例子框架修改2. Andro.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2016-07-21 08:52:33
GATTby Kevin TownsendGATT is an acronym for the Generic Attribute Profile, and it defines the way that two Bluetooth Low Energy devices transfer data back and forth using concepts called Services and Characteristics. It makes use of a generic data protocol ca.........【阅读全文】