发布时间:2013-02-20 09:25:01
To interpret the buffer cache hit ratio,you should consider the following:解释缓存的命中率,你应该解释如下:Repeated scanning of the same large tableor index can artificially inflate a poor cache hit ratio. Examine frequentlyexecuted SQL statements with a large number of b.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-19 09:31:21
一.查看产生的report1文档C:\oracle\ora92\bin\report1.txt二.自动执行STATSPACK收集统计信息SQL>@C:\oracle\ora92\rdbms\admin\spauto.sql;Job number for automated statistics collection for this instance~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Note that this job number is .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-18 15:11:31
oracle 教程http://www.cuug.com/一.SQL*PLUS中输入SQL> conn as sysdba;SQL> alter system setjob_queue_processes = 6; --自动执行数据收集时该参数需要大于0SQL> alter system set timed_statistics =true; --使用statspack收集统计信息时建议.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-05 11:14:32
By writing cold, dirty buffers to disk, DBWn improves the performance of finding free buffers while keeping recently used buffers resident in memory. For example, blocks that are part of frequently accessed small tables or indexes are kept in the cache so that they do not need to be read in again fr.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-04 09:45:56
后台进程定义:为了最大的性能和容纳更多的用户,oracle使用额外的进程被叫做后台进程处理。一、后台进程主要包括:Database Writer Process(DBWn)Log Writer Process(LGWR)CheckPoint Process(CKPT)System Monitor Process(SMON)Process Monitor Process(P.........【阅读全文】