发布时间:2014-03-18 10:15:08
//C++ Primer 第四版1,C++使用链接指示(linkage directive)指出任意非C++函数所用的语言。2,链接指示有两种形式:单个的或复合的。链接指示不能出现在类定义或函数定义的内部,它必须出现在函数的第一次声明上。3,声明非C++函数:extern "C" size_t strlen(const char *);extern "C"{ &.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-03-05 19:54:51
1,The library function operator new and operator delete are misleadingly named. Unlike other operator functions,such as operator=,these functions do not overload the new or delete expressions.In fact,we cannot redefine the behavior of the new and delete expressions.A new expression executes b.........【阅读全文】