每一个“丑得人神共愤”的泡妞高 手都有一颗坚忍的心,这证明了人类 在绝境中毫不妥协的求生精神,反正丑都丑了,索性放开手脚大干一场,这就叫“无产阶级失去的是锁链,得到的是全世界”
发布时间:2013-09-23 20:18:43
五险: 养老, 失业 工伤, 医疗, 生育 一金:公积金 缴费标准:养老(单位20%, 个人8%) 生育 (单位交) 工伤(单位交,个人不交) 医疗(单位10%, 个人2%*基数+3) 失业单位1.5% 个人0.5%) 公积金(今年最高.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-09-23 19:03:51
GDB: Unable to find dynamic linker breakpoint function.原文地址:http://www.fayewilliams.com/2013/01/31/gdb-unable-to-find-dynamic-linker-breakpoint-function/You all know how much I loooooooove GDB, so what better thing to write about after a long time away?If you’re seeing this .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-09-23 16:42:59
Cross debugging with GDB注意,gdbserver在板子上运行,本地运行的是交叉编译的gdbTo set up a cross debug session using GDB, it is necessary to run debugging tools on both the target Linux system and the host system. 1.On the target Linux system the GDB debug server, gdbserver n.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-09-23 16:33:10
It's usually in this order:NIC hardware gets the electrical signal, hardware updates some of its registers and buffers, which are usually mapped into computer physical memoryHardware activates the IRQ lineKernel traps into interrupt-handling routine and invokes .........【阅读全文】