发布时间:2013-11-19 09:34:01
你想过怎么实现对系统调用的拦截吗?你尝试过通过改变系统调用的参数来愚弄你的系统kernel吗?你想过调试器是如何使运行中的进程暂停并且控制它吗?你可能会开始考虑怎么使用复杂的kernel编程来达到目的,那么,你错了。实际上Linux提供了一种优雅的机制来完成这些:ptrace系统函数。 ptrace提供了一种使父进程得以监.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-11-16 11:55:28
Memory management is the heart of operating systems; it is crucial for both programming and system administration. In the next few posts I’ll cover memory with an eye towards practical aspects, but without shying away from internals. While the concepts are generic, examples are mostly from Linux .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-11-16 11:50:56
Previously we looked at how the kernel manages virtual memory for a user process, but files and I/O were left out. This post covers the important and often misunderstood relationship between files and memory and its consequences for performance.Two serious problems must be solved by .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-11-16 11:48:11
After examining the virtual address layout of a process, we turn to the kernel and its mechanisms for managing user memory. Here is gonzo again:Linux processes are implemented in the kernel as instances of task_struct, the process descriptor. The mm field in task_s.........【阅读全文】