发布时间:2013-02-16 11:41:32
在前一篇博文中,我们初略的描述了RAC的两大关键特性HA和LB,以及他们的配置方法。而且对service进行了总体的概述,并对service相关的connection load balancing, load balancing advisory, FAN等进行了学习。oracle推荐使用service来进行负载管理,使用service来配置HA和LB。本文主要来剖析service,学习service具有的所.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-15 18:07:20
我们都知道RAC提供的最重要的两个特性就是:负载均衡和高可用(load balancing, high available, 简称HA和LB)。这两个特性是RAC的核心价值所在。负载均衡,提供了scalbility,可扩展性。高可用利用故障转移failover来实现7*24小时的持续对外提供服务。.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-14 22:31:52
Workload management enables you to manage workload distributions to provide optimal performance for users and applications. Workload management comprises the following:1>Services—Oracle Database 10g introduces a powerful automatic workload management facility, called services, to enable the e.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-09 14:39:22
cache coherencyThe synchronization of data in multiple caches so that reading a memory location through any cache will return the most recent data written to that location through any other cache. Sometimes called cache consistency.Cache FusionA diskless cache .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-03 14:40:02
1. Oracle Clusterware简介Oracle Clusterware, formerly known as Cluster Ready Services (CRS) is an integrated cluster management solution that enables you to link multiple servers so that they function as a single system or cluster. The Oracle Clusterware simplifies the infrastructure require.........【阅读全文】