WINDOWS下的程序员出身,偶尔也写一些linux平台下小程序, 后转行数据库行业,专注于ORACLE和DB2的运维和优化。 同时也是ios移动开发者。欢迎志同道合的朋友一起研究技术。 数据库技术交流群:58308065,23618606
发布时间:2013-01-10 13:35:06
在10G之前,使用DBMS_STATS收集统计信息将会导致与此对象相关的游标失效,下次执行此的时候将会进行HARD PARSE,除非收集的时候NO_INVALIDATE设置为TRUE。由于硬解析会消耗大量的CPU,还会导致大量的library cache 和 shared pool 的LATCH竞争,因此如果由于统计信息收集导致大量的的游标失效,可能会带来HARD PARSE风暴,造成系统的负担。但是如果采用NO_INVALIDATE=TRUE的方法,由于游标不失效,游标无法利用到新的统计信息,除非下一次进行HARD PARSE,譬如CURSOR RELOAD,手工FLUSH SHARED P......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-01-08 21:59:37
What is cardinality feedback?Cardinality Feedback is the ability of the optimizer to automatically improves plans for repeated queries that have cardinality misestimates. The optimizer may estimate cardinalities incorrectly for many reasons, such as missing statistics, inaccurate statistics, o......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-01-06 17:02:06
When loading objects and data into the buffer cache of the instance there is a functionality which determines the best way to load for full scans. This functionality is called smallness logic and is driven by a hidden parameter called:_small_table_threshold.If the number of blocks to be read is lowe......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-01-06 15:36:09
Sort operations use up to SORT_AREA_SIZE bytes of memory. If a sort can be performed within this amount of memory and the result set fits within SORT_AREA_RETAINED_SIZE then there is no need to start writing blocks to disk. If more sortspace is needed it is then necessary to use ......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-01-05 14:50:18
有时候我们很可能遇到逗号分隔的字符串转为嵌套表的情况,如果采用传统的方法,需要写个循环,比较麻烦,如下所示:SQL> declare 2 TYPE STRING_TABLE IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(227) INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER; 3 v_strlist STRING_TABLE; 4 v_string VARCHAR2(200); 5 v_pos int; ......【阅读全文】