发布时间:2013-02-21 19:01:40
一、脑裂概述# What does "split-brain" mean?"Split brain" is a condition whereby two or more computers or groups of computers lose contact with one another but still act as if the cluster were intact. This is like having two governments trying to rule the same country. If multiple computers ar.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-02-20 11:36:14
一、Quorum容错概述 所谓容错技术就是允许系统内部有故障存在,在冗余设计的基础上,系统最终仍能可靠地运行。Quorum就是一种容错技术,在亚马逊的Dynamo中对此就有很好的体现。Quorum系统是一种以冗余设计为基础的集合系统,其结构如下图所示: 图1 Quorum系统结构.........【阅读全文】