发布时间:2014-01-15 10:32:20
20140115 fix CIR - 76104: Wacom LCD Signature Tablet on T10 + TCX partially working;This is an issue since I enter to WYSE, a problem that troubled me for 2 years. It's solved by very tiny fix. Congratulation or need to consider the way that I am working? thinking... thinking... thinking b.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2012-06-10 09:33:47
WTOS develop enviroment:ubuntu 12.04, i386, GCC 4.6.3, apt-get install mingw32apt-get install vsftpd#define FREE_MAGIC. 0xfedccdef4.补齐一个数 num += ((-num) & (USB_HOST_ALIGN - 1));USB_HOST_ALIGN 是2的n次幂(8),如果num 不是8字节对齐的,则会使num8字节对.........【阅读全文】