发布时间:2014-12-16 13:55:36
gitlab备份与恢复操作方法github私有仓库是收费的,有些代码不方便托管到外面的git仓库,因此就产生了自己搭建git服务器的需求。好在有广大的开源人士的贡献,有了gitlab这一神器。手动配置较多,直接用集成包: bitnami-gitlab-6.4.3-1-linux-x64-installer.run =============================.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-08-18 13:42:18
If you run Git commands through the command line, it’s a tiresome task to type in the commands manually every single time. To help with this, you can enable auto completion of Git commands within a few minutes.To get the script, run the following in a Unix system:点击(此.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-08-15 10:37:42
Linux 信号表 Linux支持POSIX标准信号和实时信号。下面给出Linux Signal的简表,详细细节可以查看man 7 signal。 默认动作的含义如下: Term 终止进程 信号取值默认动作含义(发出信号的原.........【阅读全文】