发布时间:2015-05-22 08:24:02
One user interface element that the CRM 7.0 system offers and which is perhaps not so well known is the Guided Activity. It's also known as Task-Based User Interface or Road Map. In this blog I would like to show how to create and use such a Guided Activity so you might see the potential for your own environment.......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-05-14 10:56:25
例如,我需要将Context Node B中的ATTR2属于的值根据context node A的ATTR1改变,怎么做呢??
1) 获取 ATTR1 .
2) Put its value in a temporary holder, say ZTEMP attribute of Context Node B
3) In getter-setter of Dependent attribute, ATTR2 ,use the ZTEMP which reflect value of ATTR1.......【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-05-08 13:34:55
Enhancement是对web UI的BSP程序进行增强,在增强之前要先设置Enhancement set,Enhancement set可以理解为存放增强后内容的文件夹。
通常一个Client只分配一个Enhancement set,但是系统提供BADI可以增强“Enhancement set"的确定逻辑.......【阅读全文】
yuswallow222011-05-25 11:04
yuswallow222011-05-24 15:28
你好啊,请教个问题:CRMD_ORDER_INDEX中的partner function index 怎么和相关联的Function Detail的描述Link?急待回答,非常感谢!
chinaunix网友2009-12-02 19:39
您好!有一个关于crm问题想问你一下. 有个domain:CRM_OBJECTKIND.它的值有A,B,C,D,E. 我想问一下C,D,E这三种情况在那个画面当中会出现? 请指教! 上不了QQ.我的