标题 | 阅读 | 评论 | 转发 | 发布日期 | |
Oracle Join zz | 762 | 0 | 0 | 2010-06-12 | |
Operational data store versus a data warehouse | 765 | 0 | 0 | 2010-05-28 | |
Java JDBC 连接DB2数据库 zz | 3259 | 0 | 0 | 2008-09-10 |
chinaunix网友2009-03-25 18:39
你好,我也是研究网格的。 我遇到一个问题,困扰我很久了,麻烦您帮我一下: 在安装GT4时,都能装好,但是在测试RFT服务时,总是显示错误: unable to connect localhost ,port 2881。但是我用telnet localhost 2881 能成功啊!!麻烦您帮我解决一下。我邮箱是:12345wangzhuo@163.com。
chinaunix网友2007-10-03 07:10
Hi, I am currently working on Axis and hope to get a chance to learn from you. Add me: idonotcaretomorrow@hotmail.com when you are not busy. Thanks in Advanced Regards