发布时间:2013-12-23 12:21:04
MySQL 5.6.15 bundle包安装 2013.12.23 TsengYia@126.com http://selinux.cublog.cn ######################################################################### 系统环境: RHEL6.4[2.6.32-358.el6.x86_64] 软件环境: [—— MySQL官方下载] .........【阅读全文】
chinaunix网友2009-05-05 10:02
在配置文件snort.conf中加入下列一行 alert tcp any any -> any any (flags:S; msg:"SYN Packets Alert!"; sid:20081122客户访问在网页上可以产生报警,并在mysql数据库中可以看到报警的记录存入,去掉后该行后,利用常见扫描软件如Languard、bluescan、nmap -sS Server_IP扫描等均不报警,请请您帮忙看看,使用哪个工具进行扫描或攻击才可以让其报警, 另在启动过程中出现下列警告,请帮忙看看是否正常 Warning: 'ignore_any_rules' option for Stream5 UDP disabled because of UDP rule with flow or flowbits option Warning: flowbits key 'Backdoor.Bersek.Init' is set but not ever checked. Warning: flowbits key 'wmf.download' is set but not ever checked. Warning: flowbits key 'snipernet' is set but not ever checked. Warning: flowbits key 'backup_file.request' is set but not ever checked. Warning: flowbits key 'Mantis_Notify2' is set but not ever checked. Warning: flowbits key 'MinicomLite' is set but not ever checked. Warning: flowbits key 'emf.request' is set but not ever checked. 另外请推荐在SNORT网页下载那个库比较适用谢谢了 msn:navywang@msn.com