发布时间:2020-10-16 11:57:56
1、安装服务yum install httpdyum install phpyum install mysqldyum install mariadbyum install php-gdyum install php-xmlyum install php-mbstringyum install lrzszyum install php-mysqlyum install mariadbyum install mariadb-server2、启动服务和设置成开机自启动service httpd startservice mar.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2015-05-26 11:22:16
found out problem comes from the new PHP version (5.4, 5.4), which installed in a separate repo. So, we just need to install php-bcmath in the main repo (version 5.3) using command:yum install php-bcmath --enablerepo=remi With "remi" is the main repo, you can see it by go to .......【阅读全文】