IT圈泥瓦匠一枚,混迹过国产处理器圈,从事Linux BSP开发混一软件经理职务,现漂浮在云端从事OpenStack-Nova相关设计工作。
发布时间:2014-06-11 18:13:54
1. Shell 版本 #获取当前脚本所在绝对路径 cur_dir=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")"; pwd)2. C语言版本方法一、用realpath函数。这种方法用于开机启动程序获取自身目录会出错char current_absolute_path[MAX_SIZE];//获取当前目录绝对路径if (N.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-09-03 21:04:40
Debian ships with OpenJDK by the default, but the Sun(now Oraclel)JDK have removed from repositories as a result of a new redistribution license recently. So it is not possible to install Oracle Java SDK from Debian's repo. The following step will tell you how to install Oracle Java SDK withou.........【阅读全文】