发布时间:2014-03-08 22:42:28
发布时间:2014-02-13 15:58:32
Missing required Permission manifest attribute in main.jarWhy are Java applications blocked by your security settings with the latest Java?This article applies to:Java version(s): 7.0 SYMPTOMS Trying to run the Java applications with Java version 7 Update 51, ge.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2013-03-23 09:12:57
垃圾农业银行网银https://www.95599.cn/PersonalBank/startUpHtmlSessionAction.ebfwindow7 + IE 9 .网银页面打不开!95599电话打了很多次,他们提供的方法都试验过了,都不行。证书是好的,在农行营业厅网银可以用的,家里的就不行。解决方案是GOOGLE出来的。在IE选项->高级-勾选"SSL3.0"和"TLS.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2012-05-30 23:58:35
禁止root用户远程登录: 运行 /etc/ssh/sshd_config 将 PermitRootLogin yes 改为 PermitRootLogin no 笔记......【阅读全文】
anfy2008-03-30 21:59
An x86-based laptop has just had Solris OS installed. The graphic configuration has not been automatically detected and it is running without graphic. Which two programs can you run to create an xorg configuration file? (Choose two) A. /user/dt/bin/Xsession B. /usr/x11/bin/xserver C. /usr/x11/bin/xorgconfig D. /usr/openwin/bin/kdmconfig E. /usr/x11/bin/Xorg-configure Answer: C,E (from ActualTests)