发布时间:2011-04-25 22:41:04
2010年6月17日IEEE正式批准了IEEE 802.3ba标准,这标志着40G/100G以太网的商用之路正式开始。回顾其过程,IEEE 802.3ba工作组于2008年初正式成立,到标准的正式获批和发布,经历了两年半的时间。......【阅读全文】
anfy2008-03-30 21:59
An x86-based laptop has just had Solris OS installed. The graphic configuration has not been automatically detected and it is running without graphic. Which two programs can you run to create an xorg configuration file? (Choose two) A. /user/dt/bin/Xsession B. /usr/x11/bin/xserver C. /usr/x11/bin/xorgconfig D. /usr/openwin/bin/kdmconfig E. /usr/x11/bin/Xorg-configure Answer: C,E (from ActualTests)