发布时间:2016-06-20 10:44:15
关于Solaris的syslog机制 2008-04-20 23:12:48分类: Linuxsyslog机制负责发送、记录系统内核及工具所产生的信息,由syslog()调用、syslogd守护进程和配置文件/etc/syslog.conf组成。当系统内核及工具产生信息时,通过调用syslog(),把信息送往syslogd,syslogd再根据/etc/sysl.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2016-06-20 08:24:01
1 則留言:sdaven 提到...A note regarding rotation of FMA logs. While 'fmadm rotate' is provided, it is not the best method for log rotation. You are correct that 'logadm' should be used to guarantee history is preserved. See my entry on .........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2016-06-19 16:31:38
Solaris日志记录介绍2006-08-31 18:53 51CTO论坛 字号:T | T查看Solaris日志文件是系统管理员的日常工作。AD:51CTO 网+ 第十二期沙龙:大话数据之美_如何用数据驱动用户体验solaris日志介绍 假设你是一位使用solaris操作系统的网站管.........【阅读全文】
发布时间:2014-03-20 08:17:38
Last login: Wed Mar 19 20:32:12 2014 from Microsystems Inc. SunOS 5.10 Generic January 2005-bash-3.00$ su root口令: # # df -h文件系统 大小 .........【阅读全文】
anfy2008-03-30 21:59
An x86-based laptop has just had Solris OS installed. The graphic configuration has not been automatically detected and it is running without graphic. Which two programs can you run to create an xorg configuration file? (Choose two) A. /user/dt/bin/Xsession B. /usr/x11/bin/xserver C. /usr/x11/bin/xorgconfig D. /usr/openwin/bin/kdmconfig E. /usr/x11/bin/Xorg-configure Answer: C,E (from ActualTests)