PPPoE requires certain signals and information to establish, accept, control and terminate the session. The basic signalling is shown below.
PADI (PPPoE Active Discovery Initiation) broadcast signal is sent by the host to the remote devices.
PADO (PPPoE Active Discovery Offer) signal is sent by the remote device back to the host.
PADR (PPPoE Active Discovery Request) unicast signal is sent by the host to the remote device.
PADS (PPPoE Active Discovery Session-Confirmation) is sent by the remote device back to the host.
PADT (PPPoE Active Discovery Terminate) signal is sent to terminate a PPPoE session. It is the proper way to terminate a session but is not the actual cause for the termination. The cause may be a simple timeout, a manual request by either end, or an out of spec line condition.
Relay PPPOE session, PPPOE connection will failure if The frame out "Session relay ID".
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