1. 考虑一个字符串替换的过程,在一个文本文件中含有一些文本内容和一些需要替换的变量,变量的格式为“$Var$”,原来的“$”使用“$$”进行转义,原来的“$$”表示为“$$$”。我们将含有变量的文件称为模板(文件名为t),文本文件的平均长度为100K。另外,还有一系列的变量文件,里面为变量名和变量值的对应关系(文件名为1.v , 2.v… n.v),每个变量文件包含的变量数在百万数量级,且变量排列次序不定。现要求将,模板里的变量分别用变量文件里的变量替换,并将生成的文件写成 (1.r, 2.r… n.r)。
This is an $FF$ $$. I like $FF$ and $FA$。
FF : banana
FA : apple
FA: 苹果
FF : 香蕉
This is an banana $$. I like banana and apple。
This is an香蕉 $$. I like 香蕉and苹果。
我这里程序没有生成1.r, 2.r而是直接输出的
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#define HASH_SIZE 13 #define MAX_KEY 10 #define MAX_LINE 100
typedef struct hash { char str[MAX_KEY]; char value[MAX_KEY]; struct hash* next; }HASH;
HASH* H[HASH_SIZE]; void init_hash() { int i; for(i=0;i<HASH_SIZE;i++) { H[i] = (HASH*)malloc(sizeof(HASH)); H[i]->next = NULL; } }
void free_hash_node() { int i; HASH* p; HASH* q; for(i=0;i<HASH_SIZE;i++) { p = H[i]->next; while(p!=NULL) { q = p; p = p->next; free(q); } H[i]->next = NULL; } }
void free_hash() { int i; HASH* p; HASH* q; for(i=0;i<HASH_SIZE;i++) { p = H[i]->next; while(p!=NULL) { q = p; p = p->next; free(q); } free(H[i]); } }
unsigned int get_hash(char* str) { unsigned int seed = 131; unsigned int hash = 0; while(*str) hash = hash * seed + *str++; return (hash&0x7FFFFFFF); }
void add_hash(char* key,char* value) { unsigned int hash_num = get_hash(key); hash_num %= HASH_SIZE; HASH* p = (HASH*)malloc(sizeof(HASH)); sprintf(p->str,"%s",key); sprintf(p->value,"%s",value); p->next = H[hash_num]->next; H[hash_num]->next = p; } int process_v_file(FILE* fp) { char key[MAX_KEY]; char value[MAX_KEY]; while(fscanf(fp, "%s : %s\n", key, value)!=EOF) { printf("key is %s, value is %s\n", key, value); add_hash(key,value); } } char* key_2_value(char* key) { unsigned int hash_num = get_hash(key); hash_num %= HASH_SIZE; HASH* p = H[hash_num]->next; while(p!=NULL) { if(strcmp(p->str, key) == 0 ) break; p = p->next; } if(p!=NULL) return p->value; return NULL; }
int process_template() { char line[MAX_LINE]; char line_after[MAX_LINE]; char* value; int i = 0; int j = 0; int k = 0; FILE* fp = fopen("template.txt","r"); while(fgets(line, MAX_LINE, fp)!=NULL) { while(line[i]!='\0') { printf("!!!! %c\n", line[i]); if(line[i] == '$') { if(line[i+1] == '$') { line_after[j++] = line[i++]; line_after[j++] = line[i++]; } else { i++; k = i; while(line[i]!='$') i++; line[i] = '\0'; printf("key is %s\n", line+k); value = key_2_value(line+k); printf("value is: %s\n", value); i++; while((line_after[j++] = *value++)!='\0') ; j--; } } else { line_after[j++] = line[i++]; } } line_after[j] = '\0'; printf("after the line is:\n%s", line_after); } }
void print_hash() { int i; HASH* p = NULL; for(i=0;i<HASH_SIZE;i++) { p = H[i]->next; while(p!=NULL) { printf("%d key is %s, value is %s\n", i, p->str, p->value); p = p->next; } } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { init_hash(); FILE* fp = fopen("1.v.txt","r"); process_v_file(fp); fclose(fp); printf("in hash\n"); print_hash(); process_template(); free_hash_node(); fp = fopen("2.v.txt","r"); process_v_file(fp); fclose(fp); process_template(); free_hash(); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
调试信息没有delete,现在都是dev-c++写代码,都是printf debug的,gdb都忘的差不多了,惭愧惭愧
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