Security公司的网络管理工程师Mr.leak最近发现有不少来自公司外部IP的请求,试图非法访问公司内部资源,为了不影响数据访问流程。他不得 不写一个高效的程序——一个工作在Ipv4上的防火墙,如果请求来自非授权的ip地址,则将请求丢弃。为了便于管理,通过文本文件IP.TXT来配置授权 的IP地址,文件格式为每行('\n')一个IP地址(或IP段),范围不超过一个B类。
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <winsock.h>
#define MAX_LEN 50
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef struct list { uint ip_begin; uint ip_end; struct list* next; }LIST;
void init_list(LIST** L) { *L = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST)); (*L)->ip_begin = 0; (*L)->ip_end = 0; (*L)->next = NULL; }
int find_space(char* buf) { int count = 0; while(*buf) { if(*buf == ' ') { return count; } count++; buf++; } return 0; }
int process_file(FILE* fp,LIST* L) { char buf[MAX_LEN]; int space_locate = 0; int len; while(1) { if(fgets( buf, MAX_LEN, fp)!=NULL) { space_locate = find_space(buf); len = strlen(buf); buf[len-1] = '\0'; LIST* p = L; if(space_locate == 0) { LIST* node = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST)); node->ip_begin = inet_addr(buf); node->ip_end = node->ip_begin; while( p->next&& p->next->ip_begin<node->ip_begin) p = p->next; node->next = p->next; p->next = node; } else { LIST* node = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST)); printf("str is %s",buf); buf[space_locate] = '\0'; node->ip_begin = inet_addr(buf); node->ip_end = inet_addr(buf+space_locate+1); while( p->next&& p->next->ip_begin<node->ip_begin) p = p->next; node->next = p->next; p->next = node; } } else break; } }
void print_list(LIST* L) { LIST* p = L->next; while(p!=NULL) { printf("start:%u\tend:%u\n", p->ip_begin, p->ip_end); p = p->next; } }
int judge(uint input_ip, LIST* L) { LIST* p = L->next; while(p!=NULL) { if(p->ip_begin <= input_ip) { if(p->ip_end >= input_ip) return 1; else return 0; } p = p->next; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LIST* L = NULL; uint input_ip; char str[MAX_LEN]; init_list(&L); FILE* fp = fopen("IP.TXT","r"); process_file( fp, L); print_list(L); printf("Please input the ip you want to judge:\n"); fgets( str, MAX_LEN, stdin); input_ip = inet_addr(str); judge( input_ip, L)?printf("ok\n"):printf("sorry\n"); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <winsock.h>
#define MAX_LEN 50
typedef unsigned int uint;
typedef struct list { uint ip_begin; uint ip_end; struct list* next; }LIST;
void init_list(LIST** L) { *L = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST)); (*L)->ip_begin = 0; (*L)->ip_end = 0; (*L)->next = NULL; }
int find_space(char* buf) { int count = 0; while(*buf) { if(*buf == ' ') { return count; } count++; buf++; } return 0; }
int process_file(FILE* fp,LIST* L) { char buf[MAX_LEN]; int space_locate = 0; int len; while(1) { if(fgets( buf, MAX_LEN, fp)!=NULL) { space_locate = find_space(buf); len = strlen(buf); buf[len-1] = '\0'; LIST* p = L; if(space_locate == 0) { LIST* node = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST)); printf("str is %s\n",buf); node->ip_begin = ntohl(inet_addr(buf)); node->ip_end = node->ip_begin; while( p->next&& p->next->ip_begin<node->ip_begin) p = p->next; node->next = p->next; p->next = node; } else { LIST* node = (LIST*)malloc(sizeof(LIST)); printf("str is %s\n",buf); buf[space_locate] = '\0'; node->ip_begin = ntohl(inet_addr(buf)); node->ip_end = ntohl(inet_addr(buf+space_locate+1)); while( p->next&& p->next->ip_begin<node->ip_begin) p = p->next; node->next = p->next; p->next = node; } } else break; } }
void print_list(LIST* L) { LIST* p = L->next; while(p!=NULL) { printf("start:%u\tend:%u\n", p->ip_begin, p->ip_end); p = p->next; } }
int judge(uint input_ip, LIST* L) { LIST* p = L->next; while(p!=NULL) { if(p->ip_begin <= input_ip) { if(p->ip_end >= input_ip) return 1; } p = p->next; } return 0; } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { LIST* L = NULL; uint input_ip; char str[MAX_LEN]; init_list(&L); FILE* fp = fopen("IP.TXT","r"); process_file( fp, L); print_list(L); while(1) { printf("Please input the ip you want to judge:\n"); fgets( str, MAX_LEN, stdin); input_ip = ntohl(inet_addr(str)); printf("your input is %u", input_ip); judge( input_ip, L)?printf("ok\n"):printf("sorry\n"); } system("PAUSE"); return 0; }
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