#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h>
#define MAX 7 typedef struct tree { int num; struct tree* parent; struct tree* lchild; struct tree* rchild; }TREE;
typedef struct queue { int front; int rear; TREE** tree; }QUEUE;
void init_queue(QUEUE** Q) { *Q = (QUEUE*)malloc(sizeof(QUEUE)); (*Q)->front = 0; (*Q)->rear = 0; (*Q)->tree = (TREE**)malloc(sizeof(TREE)*MAX); }
void en_queue(QUEUE* Q,TREE* T) { if((Q->rear + 1)%MAX==Q->front) { printf("full\n"); return; } Q->tree[Q->rear] = T; if(++(Q->rear)==MAX) Q->rear = 0; } TREE* de_queue(QUEUE* Q) { TREE* tree = NULL; if(Q->front == Q->rear) return NULL; tree = Q->tree[Q->front]; if(++(Q->front)==MAX) Q->front = 0; return tree; }
int tree_add(TREE** T,TREE* parent,int num) { if(*T == NULL) { printf("add %d\n",num); *T = (TREE*)malloc(sizeof(TREE)); (*T)->num = num; (*T)->parent = parent; (*T)->lchild = NULL; (*T)->rchild = NULL; return 0; } else if((*T)->num <= num) return tree_add(&((*T)->rchild),*T,num); else return tree_add(&((*T)->lchild),*T,num); }
int init_tree(TREE** T,int A[]) { int i= 0; for(;i<MAX;i++) tree_add(T, NULL, A[i]); return 0; }
int judge_equal_tree(TREE* T1, QUEUE* Q1, TREE* T2, QUEUE* Q2) { int ret; while(T1!=NULL && T2!=NULL) { printf("num1:%d\tnum2:%d\n", T1->num, T2->num); if(T1->num != T2->num) { ret = -1; break; } if((T1->lchild != NULL) &&(T2->lchild != NULL)) { en_queue(Q1,T1->lchild); en_queue(Q2,T2->lchild); } if((T1->rchild != NULL) &&(T2->rchild != NULL)) { en_queue(Q1,T1->rchild); en_queue(Q2,T2->rchild); } T1 = de_queue(Q1); T2 = de_queue(Q2); } if((T1 == NULL)&&(T2 == NULL)) ret = 0; return ret; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { TREE* T1 = NULL; TREE* T2 = NULL; QUEUE* Q1 = NULL; QUEUE* Q2 = NULL; int A[] = { 50, 30, 60, 10, 40, 55, 80}; int B[] = { 50, 30, 60, 20, 40, 55, 80}; init_tree( &T1, A); init_tree( &T2, B); init_queue(&Q1); init_queue(&Q2); if(judge_equal_tree( T1, Q1, T2, Q2) == -1) printf("tree T1 and tree T2 not euqal\n"); else printf("tree T1 and tree T2 euqal\n"); system("PAUSE"); return 0; }