今天试了一下Understanding MANET Model Internals and Interfaces里边的例子,说明里边需要在Edit->preference里边的comp_flags_common路径加上例子所在的路径,然后再做一些其他修改。我按照要求做了,结果不知道是例子的问题还是我自己设置有问题,例子(1941的project)跑的时候总是会报错,
Process model (aodv_rte) compilation failed
due to error on source line (1096)
Error given in file (C:\...)
例子有错误,我就不暂时不去看了,继续回到OPNET自带的MANET的例子,系统自带的例子我昨天跑得好好的,今天跑就出现很多错了,每次仿真都报错,错误跟刚才跑1941的例子一样,每个例子都不行。我把之前的环境设置全都还原了,问题依旧。郁闷了,就把OPNET卸载了,重新安装一遍,结果问题还是一样。我一气之下,就把Understanding MANET Model Internals and Interfaces的例子的所在的文件夹都删除了,重新启动OPNET,系统弹出:
The primary model directory (C:\Op_model) does not exist. Attempts to save new models will fail until this problem is corrected
“You can override the default user home directory by setting a shell variable 'opnet_user_home' to whatever directory you want OPNET to use as your home directory. On Windows, set this shell variable by going to Start->Control Panel->System->Environment and set a system or user variable 'opnet_user_home' to the desired home directory (e.g., C:\my_home_dir).
After setting the variable, test to make sure the variable was set correctly:
a) open a new command prompt
b) type 'set'
c) visually scan through the list of variables, and make sure opnet_user_home is now set to your desired home directory. ”
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