db2 win samples 代码使用cl编译,要使用gcc编译,cl参数转换成gcc参数
c调用python函数的包装程序 c执行python代码,取python返回值
* convert msvc cl param to gcc param
* 2010 2011 windwiny
#define MAXX 10240
void SetColor(unsigned short ForeColor, unsigned short BackGroundColor) {
SetConsoleTextAttribute(hCon, ForeColor | BackGroundColor);
void color(char *cl, char *msg) {
int x;
if (strcasecmp(cl, "r") == 0 || strcasecmp(cl, "red") == 0)
x = 0xC;
else if (strcasecmp(cl, "g") == 0 || strcasecmp(cl, "green") == 0)
x = 0xA;
else if (strcasecmp(cl, "b") == 0 || strcasecmp(cl, "blue") == 0)
x = 0x9;
x = atoi(cl);
if (x != 0)
SetColor(x, 0x0);
printf("%s\n", msg);
SetColor(0x7, 0x0);
void colori(char *cl, int rc) {
int x;
if (strcasecmp(cl, "r") == 0 || strcasecmp(cl, "red") == 0)
x = 0xC;
else if (strcasecmp(cl, "g") == 0 || strcasecmp(cl, "green") == 0)
x = 0xA;
else if (strcasecmp(cl, "b") == 0 || strcasecmp(cl, "blue") == 0)
x = 0x9;
x = atoi(cl);
if (x != 0)
SetColor(x, 0x0);
printf("%d", rc);
SetColor(0x7, 0x0);
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
int DEBUG = 0;
int i = 0;
int rc = 0;
char szCmd[MAXX];
char szName[256];
if (argc > 1 && strcmp("-d", argv[1]) == 0)
DEBUG = 1;
do {
char szPath[MAXX];
memset(szPath, '\0', MAXX);
memset(szName, '\0', 256);
memset(szCmd, '\0', MAXX);
GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, MAXX);
if (DEBUG)
printf(" * DEBUG: ModuleFileName : %s\n", szPath);
char* p = strrchr(szPath, '\\');
if (p == NULL) {
printf("Get module file name error!\n");
return -1;
strncpy(szName, p + 1, strlen(p) - 5);
if (DEBUG)
printf(" * DEBUG: pgName: %s\n", szName);
*p = 0;
"import sys\n"
"sys.path = ['.', r'%s\\mysrc.zip', r'%s\\stdlib.zip', r'%s\\dlls'] + sys.path\n"
"if not hasattr(sys, 'argv'):\n"
" sys.argv = []\n"
"", szPath, szPath, szPath);
} while (0);
// Py_OptimizeFlag = 2;
Py_NoSiteFlag = 1;
do {
char *cstr = NULL;
PyObject *ret = NULL, *dict = NULL, *pytmp1;
PyObject *pymods, *args, *pyfunc1, *pyfunc2;
dict = PyDict_New();
rc = PyRun_SimpleString(szCmd);
if (rc == 0 && DEBUG)
printf(" * DEBUG: Command : -->\n%s\n<-- end Command\n\n", szCmd);
pytmp1 = PyString_FromString(szName);
pymods = PyImport_Import(pytmp1);
if (!pymods) {
printf(" * ERROR: import module\n");
pyfunc1 = PyObject_GetAttrString(pymods, "conv");
rc = PyCallable_Check(pyfunc1);
if (!rc) {
printf(" * ERROR: get function conv\n");
if (DEBUG)
printf(" * DEBUG: get function conv\n");
pyfunc2 = PyObject_GetAttrString(pymods, "run");
rc = PyCallable_Check(pyfunc2);
if (!rc) {
printf(" * ERROR: get function run\n");
if (DEBUG)
printf(" * DEBUG: get function run\n");
args = PyTuple_New(argc - 1 - DEBUG);
for (i = DEBUG + 1; i < argc; i++) {
pytmp1 = PyString_FromString(argv[i]);
PyTuple_SetItem(args, i - DEBUG - 1, pytmp1);
color("B", "(begin ----------------------------------------");
ret = PyObject_CallObject(pyfunc1, args);
if (ret) {
cstr = PyString_AsString(ret);
} else {
color("R", "conv return NULL");
// args = PyTuple_New(0);
// ret = PyObject_CallObject(pyfunc2, args);
// color("B", cstr);
// if (ret) {
// rc = PyInt_AsLong(ret);
// } else {
// rc = -99;
// }
rc = system(cstr);
color("B", cstr);
if (rc == 0) {
colori("G", rc);
} else {
colori("R", rc);
color("B", " end)");
} while (0);
if (DEBUG)
printf(" * DEBUG: PyRun return code: %d\n", rc);
return rc;
f:\ux\mingw\bin\gcc -Wall -o c_call_py.exe c_call_py.c -I f:\ux\python26\include -L f:\ux\python26\Libs -lpython26
copy c_call_py.exe cl.exe
copy c_call_py.exe link.exe
copy c_call_py.exe gcc.exe
copy c_call_py.exe g++.exe
cl 参数转 gcc 参数
import os, sys
gccpath = r'f:\ux\mingw\bin'
pg = gccpath + '\gcc' #os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) )[0]
cmd = ''
ENV = ['-I "%s"' % i for i in os.environ['INCLUDE'].split(';') if i != '']
def chkpar(i):
if i in ['-Zi', '/Zi']: i = '-g'
elif i.startswith('-D') or i.startswith('/D') and len(i) > 2: i = '-D%s' % i[2:]
elif i.startswith('-W') or i.startswith('/W') and len(i) > 2: i = '-Wall'
elif i in ['-Od', '/Od']: i = '-O0'
if i not in ['-Zi', '-Od', '-MD', '-MT'] and i[-3:] != '.py':
i = ' '
return i
def conv(*args):
global cmd
par = []
oricmd = []
for i in args:
if ' ' in i or '\t' in i or '\n' in i or '\r' in i:
par.append('"%s"' % i)
oricmd.append('"%s"' % i)
cmd = '%s %s %s' % (pg, ' '.join(par), ' '.join(ENV))
return cmd
def run():
global cmd
return os.system(cmd)
def pr(*args):
print args
return 0
def main():
os.system = pr
global cmd
cmd2 = conv(*sys.argv[1:])
os.system('color2 B (begin ----------------------------------------')
rc = run()
os.system('color2 B %s' % cmd2)
if rc != 0:
os.system('color2 R %d end)' % rc)
os.system('color2 G %d end)' % rc)
return rc
if __name__ == '__main__':
link 参数转 gcc 参数
import os, sys
gccpath = r'f:\ux\mingw\bin'
pg = gccpath + '\gcc' #os.path.splitext( os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) )[0]
cmd = ''
ENV = ['-L "%s"' % i for i in os.environ['LIB'].split(';') if i != '']
def chkpar(i):
if i[-4:].find('.py') == -1:
if i[:4] == '-def':
i = ' '
elif i == '-debug':
i = '-g'
elif i == '-release':
i = '-O'
elif i[-4:] == '.lib':
i = '-l %s' % i[:-4]
elif i[:5] == '-out:':
i = '-o %s' % i[5:]
elif i[-4:] == '.obj':
i = i[:-2]
elif i == '-dll':
i = '-shared'
return i
def conv(*args):
global cmd
par = []
oricmd = []
for i in args:
if ' ' in i or '\t' in i or '\n' in i or '\r' in i:
par.append('"%s"' % i)
oricmd.append('"%s"' % i)
cmd = '%s %s %s' % (pg, ' '.join(par), ' '.join(ENV))
return cmd
def run():
global cmd
return os.system(cmd)
def pr(*args):
print args
return 0
def main():
os.system = pr
global cmd
cmd2 = conv(*sys.argv[1:])
os.system('color2 B (begin ----------------------------------------')
rc = run()
os.system('color2 B %s' % cmd2)
if rc != 0:
os.system('color2 R %d end)' % rc)
os.system('color2 G %d end)' % rc)
return rc
if __name__ == '__main__':
创建一个程序的包装器,实现对调用程序的参数转换等功能,使用 c 源码生成 一个exe程序,与需要被包装的程序同名,程序目录在PATH中的位置比需要被包装的程序目录前面, 提供一个同名的py源文件, 实现 conv函数,输入类型任意个字符参数,输出字符串。
实现原理,外部程序执行包装程序,程序启动、初始化内嵌 py 环境、执行 sys.path 设置、加载同名 py 源程序、传递所有参数调用 conv 函数、返回实际程序名及修改过的参数、执行、返回执行结果、使用不同颜色文本显示执行结果
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