create or replace package PG_PPM_COMMON_UTIL is type commCur is ref cursor; -- 定义公用游标
-- Author : kangyong
-- Created : 2011-4-8
-- Purpose : 公共操作组件
-- 取某个时间最近的一个工作日
FUNCTION getLateWorkday(DESC_DATE IN DATE) RETURN date; -- 判断某个时间是否是工作日
FUNCTION isWorkday(DESC_DATE IN DATE) RETURN number; -- 查询两个时间段内的工作日(节假日除外,节假日表:prod_public_holiday)
-- 精确到小数点后1位
FUNCTION calcWorkdays(I_START_DATE IN DATE, I_END_DATE IN DATE) RETURN number; end PG_PPM_COMMON_UTIL; / create or replace package body PG_PPM_COMMON_UTIL is
-- Author : kangyong
-- Created : 2011-4-8
-- Purpose : 公共操作组件
-- 取某个时间最近的一个工作日
FUNCTION getLateWorkday(DESC_DATE IN DATE) RETURN date IS num number(3); temp_date date; begin
temp_date := DESC_DATE; loop select count(1) into num from (select trunc(temp_date) dayList from dual) A where not exists (select 1 from prod_public_holiday b where b.ph_date = A.dayList) and to_char(dayList, 'D') not in (1, 7); --dbms_output.put_line(num);
exit when(num > 0); select (temp_date + 1) into temp_date from dual; end loop; return temp_date; end;
-- 判断某个时间是否是工作日
FUNCTION isWorkday(DESC_DATE IN DATE) RETURN number Is num number(3); temp_date date; begin
temp_date := DESC_DATE; select count(1) into num from (select trunc(temp_date) dayList from dual) A where not exists (select 1 from prod_public_holiday b where b.ph_date = A.dayList) and to_char(dayList, 'D') not in (1, 7); --dbms_output.put_line(num);
return num; end;
-- 查询两个时间段内的工作日(节假日除外,节假日表:prod_public_holiday)
-- 精确到小数点后1位
FUNCTION calcWorkdays(I_START_DATE IN DATE, I_END_DATE IN DATE) RETURN number IS NO_OF_DAYS number; START_DATE date; END_DATE date; hour number := 0; mi number := 0; mis number := 0; days number(12,1) := 0.0; m_days number := 0; isworkday_flag number := -1; BEGIN if I_START_DATE is not null and I_END_DATE is not null then START_DATE := getLateWorkday(I_START_DATE); END_DATE := getLateWorkday(I_END_DATE); isworkday_flag := isWorkday(I_END_DATE); if isworkday_flag = 0 THEN m_days := m_days + 1; end if; IF START_DATE < END_DATE THEN if(START_DATE = I_START_DATE) then m_days := m_days + 1; select (24-to_number(to_char(START_DATE,'HH24'))) into hour from dual; select (60-to_number(to_char(START_DATE,'MI'))) into mi from dual; mis := mis + (hour * 60) - mi; end if; if(END_DATE = I_END_DATE) then m_days := m_days + 1; select to_number(to_char(END_DATE,'HH24')) into hour from dual; select to_number(to_char(END_DATE,'MI')) into mi from dual; mis := mis + (hour * 60) + mi; end if; SELECT count(1) days INTO NO_OF_DAYS FROM (SELECT DISTINCT trunc(START_DATE) + level - 1 dayList FROM dual connect BY trunc(START_DATE) + level - 1 < = trunc(END_DATE)) A where not exists (select 1 from prod_public_holiday b where b.ph_date = A.dayList) and to_char(dayList, 'D') not in (1, 7); --大于半个小时,按1小时算 round(mis/60)
days := ( (NO_OF_DAYS - m_days) * 24 + round(mis/60) ) / 24; ELSE if(END_DATE = I_END_DATE) then m_days := m_days + 1; select (24-to_number(to_char(END_DATE,'HH24'))) into hour from dual; select (60-to_number(to_char(END_DATE,'MI'))) into mi from dual; mis := mis + (hour * 60) - mi; end if; if(START_DATE = I_START_DATE) then m_days := m_days + 1; select to_number(to_char(START_DATE,'HH24')) into hour from dual; select to_number(to_char(START_DATE,'MI')) into mi from dual; mis := mis + (hour * 60) + mi; end if; SELECT count(1) days INTO NO_OF_DAYS FROM (SELECT DISTINCT trunc(END_DATE) + level - 1 dayList FROM dual connect BY trunc(END_DATE) + level - 1 < = trunc(START_DATE)) A where not exists (select 1 from prod_public_holiday b where b.ph_date = A.dayList) and to_char(dayList, 'D') not in (1, 7); --大于半个小时,按1小时算 round(mis/60)
days := 0 - ( ( (NO_OF_DAYS - m_days) * 24 + round(mis/60) ) / 24 ); END IF; else --开始时间或结束时间有为空的
dbms_output.PUT_LINE('I_START_DATE:' || I_START_DATE || 'I_END_DATE:' || I_END_DATE ||'开始时间或结束时间有为空的'); RAISE_APPLICATION_ERROR(-20001, '开始时间或结束时间有为空的'); end if; Return days; END;