create or replace package PG_PRD_TREE is type commCur is ref cursor; -- 定义公用游标
-- 查询管理目录树
procedure queryOfrManageTree(o_result out commCur, -- 返回结果集
o_allcount out number, i_nodeId in varchar2, -- 目录ID
i_number in varchar2, i_ifFilter in number, --是否过滤
i_filterKey in varchar2, --过滤关键字 销售品名称
i_latnId in varchar2);
-- 查询管理目录树 某个节点下面销售个数
procedure queryOfrCount(o_count out number, -- 返回结果总数
i_nodeId in varchar2); -- 目录ID
-- 查询管理目录树 分页查询 某个节点下面销售品
procedure queryPaginagedOfrs(o_result out commCur, -- 返回结果集
o_allcount out number, i_nodeId in varchar2, -- 目录ID
i_number in varchar2, i_pageno in number, i_ifFilter in number, --是否过滤
i_filterKey in varchar2, --过滤关键字 销售品名称
i_latnId in varchar2);
-- 查询定价目录树
procedure queryPricingTree(o_result out commCur, -- 返回结果集
o_resultCnt out number, -- 返回结果集数量
o_nodeType out varchar2, -- 节点类型
i_latnId in varchar2, i_nodeId in number, -- 目录ID
i_pageSize in number, --每页数量
i_pageNo in number, --当前页数
i_ifFilter in number, --是否过滤
i_filterType in varchar2, --过滤类型,1模板类型;2定价模板;3定价策略
i_filterKey in varchar2 --过滤关键字
); end PG_PRD_TREE; / create or replace package body PG_PRD_TREE IS
-- 查询管理目录树
procedure queryOfrManageTree(o_result out commCur, -- 返回结果集
o_allcount out number, i_nodeId in varchar2, -- 目录ID
i_number in varchar2, i_ifFilter in number, --是否过滤
i_filterKey in varchar2, --过滤关键字 销售品名称
i_latnId in varchar2) is v_nodeId varchar2(30); v_ofrName varchar2(500); v_sql varchar2(5000); v_latnId varchar2(800); begin v_nodeId := i_nodeId; v_ofrName := ''; v_latnId := ''; if i_nodeId is null then v_nodeId := -1; end if; if (i_ifFilter = 1 and length(trim(i_filterKey)) > 0) then v_ofrName := ' and o.ofr_name like ''%' || trim(i_filterKey) || '%'''; end if; if (i_latnId != '888') then v_latnId := ' and nvl(rul.APPLY_OBJECT_ID,''888'') in(' || i_latnId || ',888)'; end if; v_sql := 'select count(1) from (select distinct o.ofr_id from tb_prd_ofr o, tb_prd_ofr_calg_elt oce, tb_prd_ofr_calg_node ocn, (select * from tb_prd_ofr_applied_rule where APPLY_OBJECT_TYPE=3) rul where o.ofr_id = oce.ofr_id and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = ocn.ofr_calg_node_id and o.ofr_id=rul.ofr_id(+) ' || v_latnId || ' and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = ' || v_nodeId || ' and ocn.ofr_calg_id = 70 ' || v_ofrName || ')'; execute immediate v_sql into o_allcount; v_sql := 'select * from (select ocn.ofr_calg_node_id node_id, ocn.ofr_calg_node_name node_name, ocn.par_ofr_calg_node_id par_node_id, ocn.seq, 1 node_type, ocn.node_code, ocn.node_level, 100 ofr_type_id, ocn.is_open, (select count(1) from tb_prd_ofr_calg_node p where p.par_ofr_calg_node_id = ocn.ofr_calg_node_id) is_leaf, (select count(1) from tb_prd_ofr ofr, tb_prd_ofr_calg_elt elt, tb_prd_ofr_calg_node node where ofr.ofr_id = elt.ofr_id and elt.ofr_calg_node_id = node.ofr_calg_node_id and elt.ofr_calg_node_id = ocn.ofr_calg_node_id and node.ofr_calg_id = 70) ofr_count from tb_prd_ofr_calg_node ocn where ocn.par_ofr_calg_node_id =' || v_nodeId || ' and ocn.ofr_calg_id = 70 union select o.ofr_id node_id, o.ofr_name node_name, oce.ofr_calg_node_id par_node_id, oce.seq, 2 node_type, o.ofr_code node_code, (ocn.node_level + 1) node_level, o.ofr_type_id ofr_type_id, ''0'' is_open, 0 is_leaf, 0 ofr_count from tb_prd_ofr o, tb_prd_ofr_calg_elt oce, tb_prd_ofr_calg_node ocn, (select * from tb_prd_ofr_applied_rule where APPLY_OBJECT_TYPE=3) rul where o.ofr_id = oce.ofr_id and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = ocn.ofr_calg_node_id and o.ofr_id=rul.ofr_id(+) ' || v_latnId || ' and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = ' || v_nodeId || ' and ocn.ofr_calg_id = 70 ' || v_ofrName || 'and ROWNUM <= ' || i_number || ') order by seq asc, node_id asc'; open o_result for v_sql; end;
procedure queryOfrCount(o_count out number, -- 返回结果集
i_nodeId in varchar2) -- 目录ID
is v_nodeId varchar2(30); begin v_nodeId := i_nodeId; if i_nodeId is null then v_nodeId := -1; end if; execute immediate 'select count(1) from tb_prd_ofr o, tb_prd_ofr_calg_elt oce, tb_prd_ofr_calg_node ocn where o.ofr_id = oce.ofr_id and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = ocn.ofr_calg_node_id and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = :1 and ocn.ofr_calg_id = 70' into o_count using v_nodeId; end;
procedure queryPaginagedOfrs(o_result out commCur, -- 返回结果集
o_allcount out number, i_nodeId in varchar2, -- 目录ID
i_number in varchar2, i_pageno in number, i_ifFilter in number, --是否过滤
i_filterKey in varchar2, --过滤关键字 销售品名称
i_latnId in varchar2) is v_nodeId varchar2(30); v_pageno number(8); v_ofrName varchar2(500); v_sql varchar2(5000); v_latnId varchar2(800); begin v_nodeId := i_nodeId; v_ofrName := ''; v_latnId := ''; if i_nodeId is null then v_nodeId := -1; end if; if (i_ifFilter = 1 and length(trim(i_filterKey)) > 0) then v_ofrName := ' and o.ofr_name like ''%' || trim(i_filterKey) || '%'''; end if; if (i_latnId != '888') then v_latnId := ' and nvl(rul.APPLY_OBJECT_ID,''888'') in(' || i_latnId || ',888)'; end if; execute immediate 'select count(1) from (select distinct o.ofr_id from tb_prd_ofr o, tb_prd_ofr_calg_elt oce, tb_prd_ofr_calg_node ocn, (select * from tb_prd_ofr_applied_rule where APPLY_OBJECT_TYPE=3) rul where o.ofr_id = oce.ofr_id and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = ocn.ofr_calg_node_id and o.ofr_id=rul.ofr_id(+)' || v_latnId || ' and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = :1 and ocn.ofr_calg_id = 70' || v_ofrName ||')' into o_allcount using v_nodeId; v_pageno := i_pageno; v_sql := 'select * from (select A.*, ROWNUM RN from (select distinct o.ofr_id node_id, o.ofr_name node_name, oce.ofr_calg_node_id par_node_id, oce.seq, 2 node_type, o.ofr_code node_code, (ocn.node_level + 1) node_level, o.ofr_type_id ofr_type_id, ''0'' is_open, 0 is_leaf, 0 ofr_count from tb_prd_ofr o, tb_prd_ofr_calg_elt oce, tb_prd_ofr_calg_node ocn, (select * from tb_prd_ofr_applied_rule where APPLY_OBJECT_TYPE=3) rul where o.ofr_id = oce.ofr_id and oce.ofr_calg_node_id = ocn.ofr_calg_node_id and o.ofr_id=rul.ofr_id(+)' || v_latnId || ' and oce.ofr_calg_node_id =' || v_nodeId || ' and ocn.ofr_calg_id = 70' || v_ofrName || 'order by seq asc, node_id asc) A WHERE ROWNUM <=' || v_pageno * i_number || ') WHERE RN > 0'; open o_result for v_sql; ---(v_pageno - 1) * i_number
-- 查询定价目录树
procedure queryPricingTree(o_result out commCur, -- 返回结果集
o_resultCnt out number, -- 返回结果集数量
o_nodeType out varchar2, -- 节点类型
i_latnId in varchar2, i_nodeId in number, -- 目录ID
i_pageSize in number, --每页数量
i_pageNo in number, --当前页数
i_ifFilter in number, --是否过滤
i_filterType in varchar2, --过滤类型,1模板类型;2定价模板;3定价策略
i_filterKey in varchar2 --过滤关键字
) is v_nodeId number(30) := -1; --父节点
v_tmpSql varchar2(2000) := ''; --临时SQL
v_filterKey varchar2(200) := ''; --关键字
begin v_nodeId := i_nodeId; if i_nodeId is null then v_nodeId := -1; end if; --获取节点类型
select nvl(min(PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE), '-1') into o_nodeType from tb_bil_pricing_calg_node a where a.pricing_calg_node_id = i_nodeId; v_filterKey := regexp_replace(i_filterKey, '[<|>|&|''|]', ' '); v_tmpSql := 'select pcn.pricing_calg_node_id node_id, pcn.pricing_calg_node_name node_name, pcn.par_pricing_calg_node_id par_node_id, pcn.seq, pcn.PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE node_type, pcn.node_code, pcn.pricing_calg_node_obj_id node_obj_id, pcn.node_level, pcn.is_open, pcn.latn_id, decode((select count(1) from tb_bil_pricing_calg_node p where p.par_pricing_calg_node_id = pcn.pricing_calg_node_id), 0, 1, 0) is_leaf from tb_bil_pricing_calg_node pcn where pcn.par_pricing_calg_node_id = :v_nodeId and pcn.pricing_calg_type = 1 '; if (i_ifFilter = 1 and length(trim(i_filterKey)) > 0 and i_filterType in ('1', '2', '3')) then --过滤
-- v_ifFilter := 1;
if (i_filterType = '1') then --按“模板类型”过滤
v_tmpSql := v_tmpSql || ' and ((pcn.PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE=2 and pcn.pricing_calg_node_name like ''%' || v_filterKey || '%'') '; v_tmpSql := v_tmpSql || ' or pcn.PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE<>2 )'; elsif (i_filterType = '2') then --按“定价模板”过滤
v_tmpSql := v_tmpSql || ' and ((pcn.PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE=3 and pcn.pricing_calg_node_name like ''%' || v_filterKey || '%'') '; v_tmpSql := v_tmpSql || ' or pcn.PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE<>3) '; elsif (i_filterType = '3') then --按“定价策略”过滤
v_tmpSql := v_tmpSql || ' and ((pcn.PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE=7 and pcn.pricing_calg_node_name like ''%' || v_filterKey || '%'') '; v_tmpSql := v_tmpSql || ' or pcn.PRICING_CALG_NODE_TYPE<>7) '; end if; execute immediate 'select count(*) from (' || v_tmpSql || ') ' into o_resultCnt using v_nodeId; /*if (o_nodeType = '3') then --查询定价策略节点时才需要分页 open o_result for ' select A.*, ROWNUM RN from ( select * from (' || v_tmpSql || ' and exists(select 1 from tb_bil_evt_pricing_strategy str where pcn.par_pricing_calg_node_id=str.EVENT_PRICING_STRATEGY_ID and decodestr.latn_id in()) ) order by seq asc, node_obj_id asc ) A WHERE ROWNUM <= :i_pageNo * :i_pageSize' using v_nodeId, i_pageNo, i_pageSize; else open o_result for ' select * from (' || v_tmpSql || ' ) order by seq asc, node_obj_id asc ' using v_nodeId; end if;*/ end if; if (i_latnId <> '888' and o_nodeType = '3') then --在查询定价策略时,如果不按全省查询时,需要按本地网过滤
v_tmpSql := v_tmpSql || ' and exists(select 1 from tb_bil_evt_pricing_strategy str where pcn.pricing_calg_node_obj_id=str.EVENT_PRICING_STRATEGY_ID and nvl(str.latn_id,888) in(' || i_latnId || ',888))'; end if; execute immediate 'select count(*) from (' || v_tmpSql || ') ' into o_resultCnt using v_nodeId; if (o_nodeType = '3') then --查询定价策略节点时才需要分页
open o_result for 'select A.*, ROWNUM RN from ( select * from (' || v_tmpSql || ' ) order by seq asc, node_obj_id asc ) A WHERE ROWNUM <= :i_pageNo * :i_pageSize' using v_nodeId, i_pageNo, i_pageSize; else open o_result for ' select * from (' || v_tmpSql || ' ) order by seq asc, node_obj_id asc ' using v_nodeId; end if; end; END; /