这篇文章介绍的很清楚了。喜欢用命令行的爱用这个,挺有意思的 :)
| 命令 |
b | break |
bi | break_info |
| break |
| backtrace |
c | continue |
f | frame |
h | help |
? | help |
s | source |
n | next |
p | print |
s | step |
so | stepout |
JavaScript Debugger
attached to a. html
$ b reverseDisplay <---------- reverseDisplay方法设置断点
set breakpoint # 2
$ bt <---------- back trace显示(onclick → reverseDisplay了解被执行的情况)
Frames # 0 to # 1 of 2:
# 00 reverseDisplay () file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/desktop/a.html line 5 column 2(position 31)
# 01 #.Onclick(evt = #)file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/desktop/a.html line 17 column 9 (position 143)
$ bi 2 <------ 显示断点2的信息
id=2, hit_count=0, type=function, target=reverseDisplay
paused at breakpoint 2: reverseDisplay(), file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/Desktop/a.html
5: var input=document.getElementById( "input").value;
$ ls <---------- 显看源代码
4: function reverseDisplay () (
>>>> var input = document.getElementById ( "input"). value;
6: var out = "";
7: for (var i = input.length - 1; i> = 0; i -) (
8: out + = input . charAt (i);
9: )
10: output (out);
$ n <---------- 前进1行
7: for (var i = input.length - 1; i> = 0; i -) (
$ p input <---------- 显示变量input的值
$ b :10 <---------- 设第10行为断点(#3).
set breakpoint #3
$ bi <---------- 显示全部断点信息
Num breakpoints: 2
id=2, hit_count=1, type=function, target=reverseDisplay
id=3, hit_count=0, type=script, target=file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html, line=9
$ c <---------- 继续执行到第10行
paused at breakpoint 3: reverseDisplay(), file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html
10: output(out);
$ s <---------- 步进到output方法
output(out=おえういあ), file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html
13: document.getElementById("output").textContent = out;
$ args <---------- 查看方法的参数
out = "おえういあ"
$ frame <----------查看当前的frame(output方法)
#0 output, file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html
13: document.getElementById("output").textContent = out;
$ frame 1 <----------查看frame1(reverseDisplay方法)
#1 reverseDisplay, file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html
10: output(out);
$ frame 2 <----------查看frame2(onclick方法)
#2 onclick, file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html
17: reverseDisplay();
$ bt 1 2 <----------反向跟踪frame 1~2
Frames #1 to #2 of 3:
#01 reverseDisplay() file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html line 10 column 2 (position 175)
#02 #.onclick(evt=# ) file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html line 17 column 9 (position 143)
$ so <---------- 步出output方法
reverseDisplay(), file:///C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/デスクトップ/a.html
11: }
$ locals <---------- 查看本地变量
input = "あいうえお"
out = "おえういあ"
i = -1
$ c <---------- 继续执行、结束
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