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2009-04-07 15:42:57



注意:Slockd 的插件载入/执行先后顺序,与“插件名称__plugin = yes”在配置文件中的先后

有着紧密联系,例如anvil和localctrl,如果localctrl_plugin = yes 比anvil_plugin = yes

的位置靠文件前头,则先执行localctrl,然后再到anvil,具体的可以打开debug_level = 4,

# plugins configuration
# Author: He zhiqiang <>
# License: GPL v2
# Date: 2006-04-09

# global configuration #

# debug or not?

# 是否打开调试?no则关闭
debug = yes
# 调试的等级,0表示出错才显示,1则表示警告,2则表示提示,3则表示信息,4则表示
# 全部的调试信息都显示,级别越高,在日志里看到的信息越多
debug_level = 4
# 调试信息默认输出到哪里?默认是stderr,输出到自定义的日志文件里。
debug_method = stderr

# Async DNS setting
# dns最大重试次数,主要是对于一些慢速的dns操作,需要重试,注意不要将次数设置
# 太大,否则影响slockd的反应速度,按默认3次即可
dns_max_retry = 3
# dns请求最大重发次数,该参数主要控制重发请求的次数,如果dns良好,请尽量不要
# 设置超过默认的3次
dns_max_resend = 3
# dns 等待超时值,单位秒,如果等待超过这个值,则进行重试或重发
dns_timeout = 2

# plugin config #

# localctrl plugin - for white/black list
# 是否打开localctrl 插件,yes打开,no则关闭,相关的localctrl设置一并无效
localctrl_plugin = yes
# 配置黑名单路径,这里采用相对路径
localctrl_bl = config/blacklist
# 配置白名单的路径,这里采用相对路径
localctrl_wl = config/whitelist

# the tarpit delay plugin
# 是否打开tarpit 插件
tarpit_plugin = no
# how long will tarpit plugin delay the response, in second
# tarpit延迟多少秒?
tarpit_delay = 5

# the concurency statstic plugin
# 是否打开anvil,并发连接控制插件
anvil_plugin = yes
# the interval to release the lock in seconds
# 监测一个ip是否超过连接频率的周期,默认360秒
anvil_interval = 360
# the max request per anvil_interval, client will be blocked
# if the request counter larger than it
# 单位周期(anvil_interval)内最多允许的连接次数(默认5次)
anvil_max_req = 5
# set soft_reject to yes will reject yes will return 450 instead
# of 550 smtp error code
# 拒绝代码是硬错误还是软错误?(yes为软错误,返回4xx,no则为硬错误,反回5xx)
anvil_soft_reject = yes

# the FQDN validation plugin
# 是否打开fqdn插件
fqdn_plugin = yes
# set soft_reject to yes will reject the client with 450 instead
# of 550 smtp error code
# 拒绝代码是硬错误还是软错误?(yes为软错误,返回4xx,no则为硬错误,反回5xx)
fqdn_soft_reject = no

# the Greaylist implemention plugin
# 是否打开greylist插件
greylist_plugin = yes
# the greylist db full path, eg: (hash|btree):/path/to/greaylist.db
# greylist 存储记录的数据库路径,请包含全路径+文件名,并确保slockd对那个目录可写
greylist_db = /var/lib/greylist.db
# the greylist delay time in seconds, default 300
# 默认的延迟时间,单位秒,默认为300秒,即300秒后重试的邮件被放行
greylist_delay = 300

# the RBL lookup plugin
# 是否打开rbl插件
dnsbl_plugin = yes
# set soft_reject to yes will reject the client with 450 instead
# off 5xx smtp error code
# 拒绝代码是硬错误还是软错误?(yes为软错误,返回4xx,no则为硬错误,反回5xx)
dnsbl_soft_reject = no
# rbl server list, using postfix style configuration
# rbl 服务器列表,每个一行,以逗号结束
dnsbl_server_list =,,,

# the Modified SPF and combined Black list plugin
# 是否打开msbl插件?
msbl_plugin = yes
# the msbl server list, using postfix style configuration
# msbl 服务器地址,这个非常重要,目前仅支持,请不要更改
msbl_server_list =

# 是否打开hostname插件
hostname_plugin = yes
# yes to enable helo matching test, no to disable
# 是否打开helo 主机名与ip地址匹配的检查?
hostname_chk_helo = yes
# yes to enable mx matching test, no to disable
# 是否打开来信域mx记录与客户ip地址匹配的检查?
hostname_chk_mx = yes
# set soft_reject to yes will reject the client with 450 instead
# off 5xx smtp error code
#  拒绝代码是硬错误还是软错误?(yes为软错误,返回4xx,no则为硬错误,反回5xx)
hostname_soft_reject = yes
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