/*This source code copyrighted by Lazy Foo' Productions (2006) and may not be redestributed without written permission.*/
//The headers
#include "SDL/SDL.h"
//The attributes of the screen
const int SCREEN_WIDTH = 640;//屏幕宽
const int SCREEN_HEIGHT = 480;//屏幕高
//const int SCREEN_BPP = 32;//色彩深度
const int SCREEN_BPP = 32;//色彩深度
//The surfaces that will be used
SDL_Surface *message = NULL;//信息表皮
SDL_Surface *background = NULL;//背景表皮
SDL_Surface *screen = NULL;//屏幕表皮
SDL_Surface *load_image( std::string filename ) //装入图片
//Temporary storage for the image that's loaded
SDL_Surface* loadedImage = NULL; //临时存储图片
//The optimized image that will be used
SDL_Surface* optimizedImage = NULL; //最优化的表层
//Load the image
loadedImage = SDL_LoadBMP( filename.c_str() );//装载图片
//If nothing went wrong in loading the image
if( loadedImage != NULL )
//Create an optimized image
optimizedImage = SDL_DisplayFormat( loadedImage );
//Free the old image
SDL_FreeSurface( loadedImage );//释放
//Return the optimized image
return optimizedImage;//返回最优化的
void apply_surface( int x, int y, SDL_Surface* source, SDL_Surface* destination )
//Make a temporary rectangle to hold the offsets
SDL_Rect offset;
typedef struct{
Sint16 x, y;
Uint16 w, h;
} SDL_Rect;
x, y Position of the upper-left corner of the rectangle
w, h The width and height of the rectangle
//Give the offsets to the rectangle
offset.x = x;
offset.y = y;
//Blit the surface
SDL_BlitSurface( source, NULL, destination, &offset );
int main( int argc, char* args[] )
//Initialize all SDL subsystems
if( SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_EVERYTHING ) == -1 )
return 1;
//Set up the screen 设置屏幕
//SDL_SWSURFACE;// 请求一个软件表面.
//If there was in error in setting up the screen
if( screen == NULL )
return 1;
//Set the window caption
SDL_WM_SetCaption( "Hello World", NULL );//窗口标题
//Load the images
message = load_image( "hello_world.bmp" );//信息图片
background = load_image( "background.bmp" );//背景图片
//Apply the background to the screen
apply_surface( 0, 0, background, screen );//在屏幕表皮上应用背景图片
//Apply the message to the screen
apply_surface( 180, 140, message, screen );//在屏幕表皮上应用信息图片
//Update the screen
if( SDL_Flip( screen ) == -1 )
return 1;
//Wait 2 seconds
SDL_Delay( 2000 );//延时2秒
//Free the surfaces
SDL_FreeSurface( message );//释放
SDL_FreeSurface( background );//释放
//Quit SDL
return 0;
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