2006-05-26 13:20:04
First thing you need to do is download SDL headers and binaries.
You will find them on the SDL website, specifically on .
Scroll Down to the Development Libraries section and download the Linux development library:
Now run the RPM and let it do it's thing.
After the RPM installs itself, start up Anjuta and start a new project.
This will start up the application wizard. Set your new project to be a generic/terminal project.
Hit next and make sure it's a C++ project:
Everything else with the application wizard should be self explanatory.
Once the application wizard is done creating your project go to the compiler and linker settings:
Under the libraries tab, type in:
Paste the following code into the source file Anjuta provided for you:
Now save the source file and build your project.
If there's no errors, you're finished.