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2011-12-25 22:09:46



 另外,有一些限制在一个给定的实现中可能是固定的,因此可以在一个头文件中静态地定义,而在另一个实现上则可能是变动的,需要调用一个运行时函数 。例如文件名的最大字符数。系统V由于历史原因只允许文件名有14个字符,而伯克利的系统则将此增加为255。SVR4允许我们对每一个创建的文件系统指明是系统 V文件系统还是BSD文件系统,而每个系统有不同的限制。这就是运行期间限制的一个实例,即文件名的最大长度依赖于文件所处的文件系统。例如,根文件系统中的文件名长度限制可能是 14个字符,而在某个其他文件系统中文件名长度限制可能是255个字符。
 (a) 编辑期间限制(头文件) 。
 (b) 不与文件或目录相关联的运行期间限制(sysconf函数)。
 (c) 与文件或目录相关联的运行期间限制(pathconf和fpathconf函数集)。

(1)ISO C限制
 所有由ANSI C定义的限制都是编译时间限制。

|    Name    |            Description             |  Minimum acceptable value  |       Typical value        |
| CHAR_BIT   | bits in a char                     |                          8 |                          8 |
| CHAR_MAX   | max value of char                  |                (see later) |                        127 |
| CHAR_MIN   | min value of char                  |                (see later) |                        128 |
| SCHAR_MAX  | max value of signed char           |                        127 |                        127 |
| SCHAR_MIN  | min value of signed char           |                        127 |                        128 |
| UCHAR_MAX  | max value of unsigned char         |                        255 |                        255 |
| INT_MAX    | max value of int                   |                     32,767 |              2,147,483,647 |
| INT_MIN    | min value of int                   |                     32,767 |              2,147,483,648 |
| UINT_MAX   | max value of unsigned int          |                     65,535 |              4,294,967,295 |
| SHRT_MIN   | min value of short                 |                     32,767 |                     32,768 |
| SHRT_MAX   | max value of short                 |                     32,767 |                     32,767 |
| USHRT_MAX  | max value of unsigned short        |                     65,535 |                     65,535 |
| LONG_MAX   | max value of long                  |              2,147,483,647 |              2,147,483,647 |
| LONG_MIN   | min value of long                  |              2,147,483,647 |              2,147,483,648 |
| ULONG_MAX  | max value of unsigned long         |              4,294,967,295 |              4,294,967,295 |
| LLONG_MAX  | max value of long long             |  9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |  9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |
| LLONG_MIN  | min value of long long             |  9,223,372,036,854,775,807 |  9,223,372,036,854,775,808 |
| ULLONG_MAX | max value of unsigned long long    | 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 | 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 |
| MB_LEN_MAX | max number of bytes in a multibyte |                          1 |                         16 |
|            | character constant                 |                            |                            |

 ANSI C在中也定义了常数TMP_MAX,这是由tmpnam函数产生的唯一文件名的大数。关于此常数我们将在第5章13节中进行更多说明。在头文件中,对浮点数据类型也有类似的一组定义。下面我们给出的是我们本书中讨论的四个平台中的FOPEN_MAX和 TMP_MAX 。

|   Limit   | FreeBSD 5.2.1 | Linux 2.4.22 | Mac OS X 10.3 | Solaris 9 |
| FOPEN_MAX |            20 |           16 |            20 |        20 |
| TMP_MAX   |   308,915,776 |      238,328 |   308,915,776 |    17,576 |

(2)POSIX 限制

|         Name          |                Description: minimum acceptable value for                 | Value  |
| _POSIX_ARG_MAX        | length of arguments to exec functions                                    |  4,096 |
| _POSIX_CHILD_MAX      | number of child processes per real user ID                               |     25 |
| _POSIX_HOST_NAME_MAX  | maximum length of a host name as returned by gethostname                 |    255 |
| _POSIX_LINK_MAX       | number of links to a file                                                |      8 |
| _POSIX_LOGIN_NAME_MAX | maximum length of a login name                                           |      9 |
| _POSIX_MAX_CANON      | number of bytes on a terminal's canonical input queue                    |    255 |
| _POSIX_MAX_INPUT      | space available on a terminal's input queue                              |    255 |
| _POSIX_NAME_MAX       | number of bytes in a filename, not including the terminating null        |     14 |
| _POSIX_NGROUPS_MAX    | number of simultaneous supplementary group IDs per process               |      8 |
| _POSIX_OPEN_MAX       | number of open files per process                                         |     20 |
| _POSIX_PATH_MAX       | number of bytes in a pathname, including the terminating null            |    256 |
| _POSIX_PIPE_BUF       | number of bytes that can be written atomically to a pipe                 |    512 |
| _POSIX_RE_DUP_MAX     | number of repeated occurrences of a basic regular expression permitted   |    255 |
|                       | by the regexec and regcomp functions when using the interval notation \  |        |
|                       | {m,n\}                                                                   |        |
| _POSIX_SSIZE_MAX      | value that can be stored in ssize_t object                               | 32,767 |
| _POSIX_STREAM_MAX     | number of standard I/O streams a process can have open at once           |      8 |
| _POSIX_SYMLINK_MAX    | number of bytes in a symbolic link                                       |    255 |
| _POSIX_SYMLOOP_MAX    | number of symbolic links that can be traversed during pathname           |      8 |
|                       | resolution                                                               |        |
| _POSIX_TTY_NAME_MAX   | length of a terminal device name, including the terminating null         |      9 |
| _POSIX_TZNAME_MAX     | number of bytes for the name of a time zone                              |      6 |

 这些不变最小值中的某一些在实际应用中太小了,所以不变最小值的每一个都有一个相关的实现值,其名字是将上表中的名字删除前缀_POSIX_后构成的。这些个实现值并不能确保在头文件中定义,如果没有在头文件中定义它们,则不能在编译时使用它们作为数组边界。所以,POSIX.1提供三个运行时间函数以供调用:sysconf, pathconf以及fpathconf,用它们可以在运行时间得到实际的实现值。还有一个问题,某些值是由POSIX.1定义为“可能不确定的”(逻辑上无限的),这就意味着该值没有实际上限。例如,SVR4的每个进程打开文件数。


XSI 中中定义的固定最小值
|      Name       |                      Description                      | Minimum acceptable |  Typical   |
|                 |                                                       |       value        |   value    |
| NL_ARGMAX       | maximum value of digit in calls to printf and scanf   |                  9 |          9 |
| NL_LANGMAX      | maximum number of bytes in LANG environment variable  |                 14 |         14 |
| NL_MSGMAX       | maximum message number                                |             32,767 |     32,767 |
| NL_NMAX         | maximum number of bytes in N-to-1 mapping characters  |   (none specified) |          1 |
| NL_SETMAX       | maximum set number                                    |                255 |        255 |
| NL_TEXTMAX      | maximum number of bytes in a message string           |   _POSIX2_LINE_MAX |      2,048 |
| NZERO           | default process priority                              |                 20 |         20 |
| _XOPEN_IOV_MAX  | maximum number of iovec structures that can be used   |                 16 |         16 |
|                 | with readv or writev                                  |                    |            |
| _XOPEN_NAME_MAX | number of bytes in a filename                         |                255 |        255 |
| _XOPEN_PATH_MAX | number of bytes in a pathname                         |              1,024 |      1,024 |

(4)sysconf, pathconf, and fpathconf 函数
 long sysconf(int name);
 long pathconf(const char *pathname, int name);
 long fpathconf(int filedes, int name);

|  Name of limit   |                           Description                           |    name argument     |
| ARG_MAX          | maximum length, in bytes, of arguments to the exec functions    | _SC_ARG_MAX          |
| ATEXIT_MAX       | maximum number of functions that can be registered with the     | _SC_ATEXIT_MAX       |
|                  | atexit function                                                 |                      |
| CHILD_MAX        | maximum number of processes per real user ID                    | _SC_CHILD_MAX        |
| clock ticks/     | number of clock ticks per second                                | _SC_CLK_TCK          |
| second           |                                                                 |                      |
| COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX | maximum number of weights that can be assigned to an entry of   | _SC_COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX |
|                  | the LC_COLLATE order keyword in the locale definition file      |                      |
| HOST_NAME_MAX    | maximum length of a host name as returned by gethostname        | _SC_HOST_NAME_MAX    |
| IOV_MAX          | maximum number of iovec structures that can be used with readv  | _SC_IOV_MAX          |
|                  | or writev                                                       |                      |
| LINE_MAX         | maximum length of a utility's input line                        | _SC_LINE_MAX         |
| LOGIN_NAME_MAX   | maximum length of a login name                                  | _SC_LOGIN_NAME_MAX   |
| NGROUPS_MAX      | maximum number of simultaneous supplementary process group IDs  | _SC_NGROUPS_MAX      |
|                  | per process                                                     |                      |
| OPEN_MAX         | maximum number of open files per process                        | _SC_OPEN_MAX         |
| PAGESIZE         | system memory page size, in bytes                               | _SC_PAGESIZE         |
| PAGE_SIZE        | system memory page size, in bytes                               | _SC_PAGE_SIZE        |
| RE_DUP_MAX       | number of repeated occurrences of a basic regular expression    | _SC_RE_DUP_MAX       |
|                  | permitted by the regexec and regcomp functions when using the   |                      |
|                  | interval notation \{m,n\}                                       |                      |
| STREAM_MAX       | maximum number of standard I/O streams per process at any given | _SC_STREAM_MAX       |
|                  | time; if defined, it must have the same value as FOPEN_MAX      |                      |
| SYMLOOP_MAX      | number of symbolic links that can be traversed during pathname  | _SC_SYMLOOP_MAX      |
|                  | resolution                                                      |                      |
| TTY_NAME_MAX     | length of a terminal device name, including the terminating     | _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX     |
|                  | null                                                            |                      |
| TZNAME_MAX       | maximum number of bytes for the name of a time zone             | _SC_TZNAME_MAX       |

|   Name of    |                                                                         |                  |
|    limit     |                               Description                               |  name argument   |
| FILESIZEBITS | minimum number of bits needed to represent, as a signed integer value,  | _PC_FILESIZEBITS |
|              | the maximum size of a regular file allowed in the specified directory   |                  |
| LINK_MAX     | maximum value of a file's link count                                    | _PC_LINK_MAX     |
| MAX_CANON    | maximum number of bytes on a terminal's canonical input queue           | _PC_MAX_CANON    |
| MAX_INPUT    | number of bytes for which space is available on terminal's input queue  | _PC_MAX_INPUT    |
| NAME_MAX     | maximum number of bytes in a filename (does not include a null at end)  | _PC_NAME_MAX     |
| PATH_MAX     | maximum number of bytes in a relative pathname, including the           | _PC_PATH_MAX     |
|              | terminating null                                                        |                  |
| PIPE_BUF     | maximum number of bytes that can be written atomically to a pipe        | _PC_PIPE_BUF     |
| SYMLINK_MAX  | number of bytes in a symbolic link                                      | _PC_SYMLINK_MAX  |

 (b)有些名称可能或者返回该变量的值(返回值≥O ),或者返回-1,这表示该值是不确定的,此时并不更改errno的值。

#include "apue.h"

static void pr_sysconf(char *, int);
static void pr_pathconf(char *, char *, int);

main(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc != 2)
        err_quit("usage: a.out ");

#ifdef ARG_MAX
    printf("ARG_MAX defined to be %d\n", ARG_MAX+0);
    printf("no symbol for ARG_MAX\n");
#ifdef _SC_ARG_MAX
    pr_sysconf("ARG_MAX =", _SC_ARG_MAX);
    printf("no symbol for _SC_ARG_MAX\n");

/* similar processing for all the rest of the sysconf symbols... */

#ifdef MAX_CANON
    printf("MAX_CANON defined to be %d\n", MAX_CANON+0);
    printf("no symbol for MAX_CANON\n");
#ifdef _PC_MAX_CANON
    pr_pathconf("MAX_CANON =", argv[1], _PC_MAX_CANON);
    printf("no symbol for _PC_MAX_CANON\n");

/* similar processing for all the rest of the pathconf symbols... */

static void
pr_sysconf(char *mesg, int name)
    long    val;

    fputs(mesg, stdout);
    errno = 0;
    if ((val = sysconf(name)) < 0) {
        if (errno != 0) {
            if (errno == EINVAL)
                fputs(" (not supported)\n", stdout);
                err_sys("sysconf error");
        } else {
            fputs(" (no limit)\n", stdout);
    } else {
        printf(" %ld\n", val);

static void
pr_pathconf(char *mesg, char *path, int name)
    long    val;

    fputs(mesg, stdout);
    errno = 0;
    if ((val = pathconf(path, name)) < 0) {
        if (errno != 0) {
            if (errno == EINVAL)
                fputs(" (not supported)\n", stdout);
                err_sys("pathconf error, path = %s", path);
        } else {
            fputs(" (no limit)\n", stdout);
    } else {
        printf(" %ld\n", val);


|                    |               |               |               |             Solaris 9              |
|       Limit        | FreeBSD 5.2.1 | Linux 2.4.22  | Mac OS X 10.3 |------------------------------------|
|                    |               |               |               | UFS file system | PCFS file system |
| ARG_MAX            |        65,536 |       131,072 |       262,144 |       1,048,320 |        1,048,320 |
| ATEXIT_MAX         |            32 | 2,147,483,647 |     no symbol |        no limit |         no limit |
| CHARCLASS_NAME_MAX |     no symbol |         2,048 |     no symbol |              14 |               14 |
| CHILD_MAX          |           867 |           999 |           100 |           7,877 |            7,877 |
| clock ticks/second |           128 |           100 |           100 |             100 |              100 |
| COLL_WEIGHTS_MAX   |             0 |           255 |             2 |              10 |               10 |
| FILESIZEBITS       |   unsupported |            64 |     no symbol |              41 |      unsupported |
| HOST_NAME_MAX      |           255 |   unsupported |     no symbol |       no symbol |        no symbol |
| IOV_MAX            |         1,024 |      no limit |     no symbol |              16 |               16 |
| LINE_MAX           |         2,048 |         2,048 |         2,048 |           2,048 |            2,048 |
| LINK_MAX           |        32,767 |        32,000 |        32,767 |          32,767 |                1 |
| LOGIN_NAME_MAX     |            17 |           256 |     no symbol |               9 |                9 |
| MAX_CANON          |           255 |           255 |           255 |             256 |              256 |
| MAX_INPUT          |           255 |           255 |           255 |             512 |              512 |
| NAME_MAX           |           255 |           255 |           765 |             255 |                8 |
| NGROUPS_MAX        |            16 |            32 |            16 |              16 |               16 |
| OPEN_MAX           |         1,735 |         1,024 |           256 |             256 |              256 |
| PAGESIZE           |         4,096 |         4,096 |         4,096 |           8,192 |            8,192 |
| PAGE_SIZE          |         4,096 |         4,096 |     no symbol |           8,192 |            8,192 |
| PATH_MAX           |         1,024 |         4,096 |         1,024 |           1,024 |            1,024 |
| PIPE_BUF           |           512 |         4,096 |           512 |           5,120 |            5,120 |
| RE_DUP_MAX         |           255 |        32,767 |           255 |             255 |              255 |
| STREAM_MAX         |         1,735 |            16 |            20 |             256 |              256 |
| SYMLINK_MAX        |   unsupported |      no limit |     no symbol |       no symbol |        no symbol |
| SYMLOOP_MAX        |            32 |      no limit |     no symbol |       no symbol |        no symbol |
| TTY_NAME_MAX       |           255 |            32 |     no symbol |             128 |              128 |
| TZNAME_MAX         |           255 |             6 |           255 |        no limit |         no limit |




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