adm@ibm.com (adm)
$mkdir ~/resin3/licenses
$cp ~/Documents/resin-pro.license ~/resin3/licenses/
$java -jar ~/resin3/lib/resin.jar start
Resin/3.1.10 started -server '' for watchdog at
$cat ~/resin3/log/jvm-default.log
Resin-3.1.10 (built Tue, 23 Feb 2010 02:57:09 PST)
Copyright(c) 1998-2008 Caucho Technology. All rights reserved.
resin-pro.license -- 100 Production servers adm@ibm.com (adm)
Starting Resin on Sun, 20 Jun 2010 07:08:12 +0800 (CST)
[07:08:13.650] {main} Proxy Cache disk-size=1024M memory-size=64M
[07:08:13.659] {main} PingThread[] starting, checking []
[07:08:13.799] {main}
[07:08:13.799] {main} Mac OS X 10.6.4 x86_64
[07:08:13.800] {main} Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.6.0_20-b02-279-10M3065, EUC_CN, zh
[07:08:13.800] {main} Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 16.3-b01-279, 64, mixed
[07:08:13.801] {main} jmx-remote disabled. jmx-remote requires at least one enabled management
[07:08:13.963] {main} WebApp[] active
[07:08:14.033] {main} WebApp[/resin-admin] active
[07:08:14.232] {main} WebApp[/resin-doc] active
[07:08:14.233] {main} Host[] active
[07:08:14.237] {main} Loaded Socket JNI library.
[07:08:14.241] {main} hmux listening to ereg.:6800
[07:08:14.245] {main} http listening to *:8008
[07:08:14.246] {main} Server[id=,cluster=app-tier] active
[07:08:14.247] {main} Resin started in 1603ms
$ cat ~/resin3/log/watchdog-manager.log
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.576]
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.577] Mac OS X 10.6.4 x86_64
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.577] Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.6.0_20-b02-279-10M3065, EUC_CN, zh
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.577] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 16.3-b01-279, 64, mixed mode, Apple Inc.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.581]
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.592] Host[resin-admin] active
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.595] Socket JNI library is not available.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.595] Resin will still run but performance will be slower.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.595] To compile the Socket JNI library on Unix, use ./configure; make; make install.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.598] hmux listening to ereg.:6600
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.603] Server[id=,cluster=] active
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.652] WebApp[] active
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.688] WatchdogProcess[Watchdog[],1] starting Resin
$export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=~/resin3/libexec64
$java -jar ~/resin3/lib/resin.jar restart
$ cat ~/resin3/log/watchdog-manager.log
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.576]
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.577] Mac OS X 10.6.4 x86_64
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.577] Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.6.0_20-b02-279-10M3065, EUC_CN, zh
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.577] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 16.3-b01-279, 64, mixed mode, Apple Inc.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.592] Host[resin-admin] active
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.595] Socket JNI library is not available.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.595] Resin will still run but performance will be slower.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.595] To compile the Socket JNI library on Unix, use ./configure; make; make install.
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.598] hmux listening to ereg.:6600
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.603] Server[id=,cluster=] active
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.652] WebApp[] active
[2010/06/20 07:08:11.688] WatchdogProcess[Watchdog[],1] starting Resin
[2010/06/20 07:22:10.435] Watchdog stop:
[2010/06/20 07:22:10.436] WatchdogProcess[Watchdog[],1] stopping Resin
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.842]
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.843] Mac OS X 10.6.4 x86_64
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.843] Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment 1.6.0_20-b02-279-10M3065, EUC_CN, zh
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.844] Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 16.3-b01-279, 64, mixed mode, Apple Inc.
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.848]
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.862] Host[resin-admin] active
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.865] Loaded Socket JNI library.
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.868] hmux listening to ereg.:6600
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.872] Server[id=,cluster=] active
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.955] WebApp[] active
[2010/06/20 07:22:16.984] WatchdogProcess[Watchdog[],1] starting Resin
$export JAVA_EXE=java
$~/resin3/bin/httpd.sh restart
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