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2010-10-14 14:50:31

The full code listing for message_send.c is as follows:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MSGSZ 128

 * Declare the message structure.

typedef struct msgbuf {
         long mtype;
         char mtext[MSGSZ];
         } message_buf;

    int msqid;
    int msgflg = IPC_CREAT | 0666;
    key_t key;
    message_buf sbuf;
    size_t buf_length;

     * Get the message queue id for the
     * "name" 1234, which was created by
     * the server.

    key = 1234;

(void) fprintf(stderr, "\nmsgget: Calling msgget(%#lx,\
key, msgflg);

    if ((msqid = msgget(key, msgflg )) < 0) {
     (void) fprintf(stderr,"msgget: msgget succeeded: msqid = %d\n", msqid);

     * We'll send message type 1

    sbuf.mtype = 1;
    (void) fprintf(stderr,"msgget: msgget succeeded: msqid = %d\n", msqid);
    (void) strcpy(sbuf.mtext, "Did you get this?");
    (void) fprintf(stderr,"msgget: msgget succeeded: msqid = %d\n", msqid);
    buf_length = strlen(sbuf.mtext) + 1 ;

     * Send a message.

    if (msgsnd(msqid, &sbuf, buf_length, IPC_NOWAIT) < 0) {
       printf ("%d, %d, %s, %d\n", msqid, sbuf.mtype, sbuf.mtext, buf_length);

      printf("Message: \"%s\" Sent\n", sbuf.mtext);

The essential points to note here are:

  • The Message queue is created with a basic key and message flag msgflg = IPC_CREAT | 0666 -- create queue and make it read and appendable by all.
  • A message of type (sbuf.mtype) 1 is sent to the queue with the message ``Did you get this?''

The full code listing for message_send.c's companion process, message_rec.c is as follows:

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/ipc.h>
#include <sys/msg.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#define MSGSZ 128

 * Declare the message structure.

typedef struct msgbuf {
    long mtype;
    char mtext[MSGSZ];
} message_buf;

    int msqid;
    key_t key;
    message_buf rbuf;

     * Get the message queue id for the
     * "name" 1234, which was created by
     * the server.
    key = 1234;

    if ((msqid = msgget(key, 0666)) < 0) {

     * Receive an answer of message type 1.
    if (msgrcv(msqid, &rbuf, MSGSZ, 1, 0) < 0) {

     * Print the answer.
    printf("%s\n", rbuf.mtext);

The essential points to note here are:

  • The Message queue is opened with msgget (message flag 0666) and the same key as message_send.c.
  • A message of the same type 1 is received from the queue with the message ``Did you get this?'' stored in rbuf.mtext.

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