# 当然 下面 选择 easy_install egg 或 python setup.py install
# 个人喜好 ,今天 墙的 我好郁闷 啊~ easy_install 时好时坏 .....
1. 安装准备
> 编译
easy_install PySQLite
easy_install Babel
easy_install psycopg2
python setup.py install
#wiki 所见即所得 svn co
cd 0.12
python setup.py install
# 页面 登入 easy_install
easy_install -Z -U
easy_install Genshi-0.6-py2.6.egg
1. 创建 trac
trac-admin /path/to/projectenv initenv
vim /path/to/projectenv/conf/trac.inihtpasswd -c /path/to/projectenv/passwd.txt admin
trac-admin /path/to/projectenv permission add admin TRAC_ADMIN
新增组件的支持 :
/path/to/projectenv/conf/trac.ini 最后加上 [components]
trac.web.auth.LoginModule = disabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.LoginModule = enabled
acct_mgr.web_ui.RegistrationModule = disabled
acct_mgr.htfile.HtPasswdStore = enabled
tracwysiwyg.* = enabled
; configure the plugin to store passwords in the htdigest format:
password_store = HtPasswdStore
; with Trac < 0.10 use this instead:
password_format = htpasswd
; the file where user accounts are stored
; the webserver will need write permissions to this file
; and its parent folder
password_file = /path/to/projectenv/passwd.txt
; the name of the authentication “realm”
; it can be any text to identify your site or project
;htdigest_realm = TracRealm
启动 :
tracd --port 8000 /path/to/projectenv
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