Snapshot view's view.dat file is corrupt or missing
Technote (troubleshooting)
This technote details some of the errors that will occur when the view.dat (.view.dat) is corrupt or has been removed from the root of an IBM® Rational® ClearCase® snapshot view.
Scenario 1:
The view.dat file has become corrupt, and attempting to create a view shortcut in ClearCase Explorer fails with:
The pathname specified does not resolve to a registered view
Note: This error will also occur if the selected directory is not actually the view root of a snapshot view.
Scenario 2:
After removing the view.dat from the root directory of a snapshot view, the view will stop working.
Accessing or updating the snapshot view from ClearCase Explorer returns:
The pathname specified for this snapshot view shortcut does not represent the root of a snapshot view. Use the Shortcut Properties dialog to modify the shortcut.
When trying to update the snapshot view from command line returns: C:\admin_view>ct update -graphical cleartool: Error: 'C:\admin_view' is not a valid snapshot view path.
Resolving the problem
The view.dat file must be restored from backup or regenerated if no copy is available.
Follow the instructions in for information on how to regenerate a snapshot view's view.dat file.
The errors will stop appearing after the view.dat is replaced or put back in the workspace of the snapshot view.
Regenerate the view.dat file
Technote (troubleshooting)
This technote explains how to regenerate an IBM® Rational® ClearCase® snapshot view's view.dat file if it has been removed from the view's root directory on UNIX®, Linux® or Microsoft® Windows®.
The steps to regenerate the view.dat file located in IBM Rational ClearCase Developing Software are incorrect for versions 2002.05.00 and 2003.06.00.
During execution of the command syntax an error similar to the following occurs:
Can't open perl script "c:\rational\etc\utils": No such file or directory
There is a syntax error in the commands for UNIX, Linux and Windows.
This was reported as documentation defect, .
Resolving the problem
The product documentation has been corrected for .
The view.dat file is a read-only text file used to identify which work space directory is related to a given snapshot view.
Note: The filename on UNIX and Linux is .view.dat.
This file is created in the top level of the snapshot view's directory, and contains a string similar to: