分类: IT业界
2011-07-13 22:59:29
哈希结构 %movies = ('The Shining'=> 'Kubrick', 'Ten Comandments' =>'DeMille','Goonies' =>'Spielberg'); print $movies{'The Shining'}; 其中‘The Shining’是关键字,'Kubrick'是值
打印哈希结构中的每个关键字 foreach $film (keys %movies){ print "$film\n"; } 输出为: Ten Comandments Goonies The Shining
利用keys和values得到关键字和值 @directors=values %movies; @film=keys %movies; print "@directors\n"; print "@film\n"; 输出为: DeMille Spielberg Kubrick Ten Comandments Goonies The Shining]
拷贝和组合 %New_hash=%Old_hash; %Both=(%first,%second); #组合后将随机排列
利用函数exists测试是否存在某个关键字 if (exists $movies{conan}){ # movies中是否存在conan这个关键字 print "exist!" ; }
删除某个关键字 delete $both{conan};
寻找数组中的唯一元素 @fishwords=qw(one fish two fish red fish blue fish); %seen=(); foreach (@fishwords){ $seen{$_}=1; } @uniquewords=keys %seen; print "@uniquewords"; 输出为:blue one red two fish
寻找两个数组间的不同部分和交汇部分 @stars=qw(R.Reagan C.Eastwood M.Jackson Cher S.Bono); @pols=qw(N.Gingrich S.Thurmon R.Reagan S.Bono C.Eastwood M.Thatcher); %seen=(); foreach (@stars){ $seen{$_}=1; #对电影明星的列表进行迭代操作,依次将$设置为每个名字 } @intersection=grep($seen{$_},@pols); #@pols中的grep函数对政治家的列表进行迭代操作,依次将$_设置给每个政治家。然后,在哈希结构%seen中寻找该名字 print "@intersection"; 输出为:R.Reagan S.Bono C.Eastwood
需找两个数组中的不同部分 @difference=grep(! $seen{$_},@pols); 输出为:N.Gingrich S.Thurmon M.Thatcher ,即不是明星的所有政治家
读入txt文件,并按输入的关键字输出customer信息 #!/usr/bin/perl -w
open(PH,"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/customers.txt") or die "Cannot open customers.txt: $!\n"; while( chomp; ($number,$email)=(split(/\s+/,$_)) [1,2]; # $_中的这一行在空格处被分割,只取前两项 $Phone{$number}=$_; #将每一行存入一个哈希结构,key为number,value为一条记录 $Email{$email}=$_; } close(PH);
print "Type 'q' to exit\n"; while (1){ print "\nNumber?"; $number= $address=""; if(!$number){ print "E-mail?"; $address= }
next if(!$number and !$address); last if($number eq 'q' or $address eq 'q');
if ($number and exists $Phone{$number}) { print "Customer: $Phone{$number}\n"; #输出关键字为number的值 next; }
if ($address and exists $Email{$address}){ print "Customer: $Email{$address}\n"; next; } print "Customer record not found.\n"; next; } print "\nAll done.\n";
统计单词出现的频度 open(FH,"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/桌面/test.txt") or die "cannot open test: $!"; while( while(/(\w[\w-]*)/g){ #以文件中的空格分隔成单词。对$_中的每个单词进行迭代操作 $words{$1}++; } } foreach (keys %words){ print "$_ $words{$_}\n"; #输出每个单词的频度 } 输出为: peach 2 banana 1 apple 2 orange 2 pear 1
统计单词的长度 open(FH,"C:/Documents and Settings/Administrator/×ÀÃæ/test.txt") or die "cannot open test: $!"; while( while(/(\w[\w-]*)/g){ #以文件中的空格分隔成单词。对$_中的每个单词进行迭代操作 $seen{length $1}++; #以单词的长度为关键字 } } foreach (keys %seen){ print "There are $seen{$_} words have $_ letter(s). \n"; #输出关键字和值 } 输出为: There are 3 words have 6 letter(s). There are 1 words have 4 letter(s). There are 4 words have 5 letter(s). |