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2010-06-03 05:27:13

The GETBULK operation is normally used for retrieving large amount of data, particularly from large tables. A GETBULK request is made by giving an OID list along with a Max-Repetitions value and a Nonrepeaters value.


The GETBULK operation performs a continuous GETNEXT operation based on the Max-Repetitions value. The Nonrepeaters value determines the number of variables in the variable list for which a simple GETNEXT operation has to be done. For the remaining variables, the continuous GETNEXT operation is done based on the Max-Repetitions value.


In other words, the SNMP GETBULK operation does a simple GETNEXT operation for the first N variable bindings in the request and does M GETNEXT operation (continuous) for each of the remaining R variable bindings in the request list where


N is the minimum of

  • the value of the Non-Repeaters field in the request

  • the number of variable bindings in the request

M is the Max-Repetitions field of the request


R is the maximum of

  • the number of variable bindings in the request

  • zero

Thus the total number of varbinds in the response message is (N + M x R).


explains the usage of high-level API in performing the SNMP GETBULK operation.


explains the usage of low-level API in performing the SNMP GETBULK operation.


Using High-Level API


The additional parameters for the SNMP GETBULK operation can be set using the following methods.

  • setMaxRepetitions(int) - the default value is 50.

  • setNonRepeaters(int) - the default value is 0.

The snmpGetBulkList() method of the SnmpTarget Bean can be used for the SNMP GETBULK operation.


//instantiate the SnmpTarget

SnmpTarget target = new Snmptarget();

//set the host in which the SNMP agent is running


//set the OID


//perform GETNEXT

String result = target.snmpGetBulkList();

System.out.println("Response: "+result);


View the complete example present in <>.


Using Low-Level API


Refer the topic , which discusses the SNMP GET operation. The additional parameters for the SNMP GETBULK operations can be set using the following methods.

  • setMaxRepetitions(int max_rep)

  • setNonRepeaters(int non_rep)

To perform an SNMP GETBULK operation, the command constant GETBULK_REQ_MSG defined in the SnmpAPI class is used.


//Build GET Request PDU

SnmpPDU pdu = new SnmpPDU();

UDPProtocolOptions option = new UDPProtocolOptions("localhost");

session.setProtocolOptions(option); //sets the host in which the agent is running




//Specify OID

SnmpOID oid = new SnmpOID("1.3.1");



The rest of the steps will remain the same as the SNMP GET operation. View the complete example present in <>.

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