// Access levels
#include <iostream.h>
class Base { private: int priv; protected: int prot; int get_priv( ) {return priv;} public: int publ; Base( ); Base(int a, int b, int c) : priv(a), prot(b), publ(c) { } int get_prot( ) {return prot;} int get_publ( ) {return publ;} };
class Derived1 : private Base // private inheritance
{ public: Derived1 (int a, int b, int c) : Base(a, b, c) { } int get1_priv( ) {return get_priv( );} // priv not accessible directly
int get1_prot( ) {return prot;} int get1_publ( ) {return publ;} };
class Leaf1 : public Derived1 { public: Leaf1(int a, int b, int c) : Derived1(a, b, c) { } void print( ) { cout << "Leaf1 members: " << get1_priv( ) << " " // << get_priv( ) // not accessible
<< get1_prot( ) << " " // << get_prot( ) // not accessible
// << publ // not accessible
<< get1_publ( ) << endl; } // data members not accessible. get_ functions in Base not accessible
class Derived2 : protected Base // protected inheritance
{ public: Derived2 (int a, int b, int c) : Base(a, b, c) { } };
class Leaf2 : public Derived2 { public: Leaf2(int a, int b, int c) : Derived2(a, b, c) { } void print( ) { cout << "Leaf2 members: " << get_priv( ) << " " // << priv // not accessible
<< prot << " " << publ << endl; } // public and protected data members accessible. get_ functions in Base accessible.
class Derived3 : public Base // public inheritance
{ public: Derived3 (int a, int b, int c) : Base(a, b, c) { } };
class Leaf3 : public Derived3 {
public: Leaf3(int a, int b, int c) : Derived3(a, b, c) { } void print( ) { cout << "Leaf3 members: " << get_priv( ) << " " << prot << " " << publ << endl; } // public and protected data members accessible. get_ functions in Base accessible
int main( ) { Derived1 d1(1, 2, 3); Derived2 d2(4, 5, 6); Derived3 d3(7, 8, 9);
// cout << d1.publ; // not accessible
// cout << d1.get_priv( ); // not accessible
// cout << d2.publ; // not accessible
// cout << d2.get_priv( ); // not accessible
cout << d3.publ; // OK
cout << d3.get_prot( ); // OK
Leaf1 lf1(1, 2, 3); Leaf2 lf2(4, 5, 6); Leaf3 lf3(7, 8, 9);
// cout << lf1.publ << endl; // not accessible
// cout << lf2.publ << endl; // not accessible
cout << lf3.publ << endl; // OK
return 0; }