pcidumper 主要功能是打印 x86 PCI 配置空间的内容,原来是 C 语言编写,现在用 golang 重写。
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <sys/io.h>
- #define PCI_BUS_MASK 0xFFU
- #define PCI_DEV_MASK 0x1FU
- #define PCI_FUNC_MASK 0x07U
- #define PCI_REG_MASK 0xFCU
- #define PCI_BUS_LIMIT (PCI_BUS_MASK + 1)
- #define PCI_DEV_LIMIT (PCI_DEV_MASK + 1)
- #define PCI_REG_LIMIT (PCI_REG_MASK + 4)
- static inline void privilege_level(int level)
- {
- int rc;
- rc = iopl(level);
- if (rc == -1) {
- perror("iopl");
- }
- }
- static inline u_int32_t
- x86_io_address(u_int32_t bus, u_int32_t dev, u_int32_t func,
- u_int32_t reg)
- {
- u_int32_t address;
- address = (0x80000000U) |
- ((bus & PCI_BUS_MASK) << 16) |
- ((dev & PCI_DEV_MASK) << 11) |
- ((func & PCI_FUNC_MASK) << 8) |
- ((reg & PCI_REG_MASK));
- return address;
- }
- static u_int32_t
- pci_read_conf_reg(u_int32_t bus, u_int32_t dev, u_int32_t func,
- u_int32_t reg)
- {
- u_int32_t value;
- u_int32_t address;
- address = x86_io_address(bus, dev, func, reg);
- outl(address, PCI_CONFIG_ADDRESS_PORT);
- value = inl(PCI_CONFIG_DATA_PORT);
- return value;
- }
- static inline void
- pci_dump_header(u_int32_t bus, u_int32_t dev, u_int32_t func)
- {
- u_int32_t value;
- u_int32_t offset;
- value = pci_read_conf_reg(bus, dev, func, 0);
- /* check PCI Vendor ID */
- if ((value & 0xFFFFU) == 0xFFFFU) {
- return;
- }
- printf("%d:%d.%d\n00 : 0x%08x ", bus, dev, func, value);
- for (offset = 4; offset < PCI_REG_LIMIT; offset += 4) {
- value = pci_read_conf_reg(bus, dev, func, offset);
- if (((offset & 0x0CU) == 0x0CU)) {
- if (offset != (PCI_BUS_LIMIT - 4)) {
- printf("0x%08x\n%02x : ", value, (offset + 4));
- } else {
- printf("0x%08x\n", value);
- }
- } else {
- printf("0x%08x ", value);
- }
- }
- }
- int main(int argc, char **argv)
- {
- int bus;
- int dev;
- int func;
- /* go to privilege level 3 */
- privilege_level(3);
- /* scan pci buses */
- for (bus = 0; bus < PCI_BUS_LIMIT; bus++) {
- for (dev = 0; dev < PCI_DEV_LIMIT; dev++ ) {
- for (func = 0; func < PCI_FUNC_LIMIT; func++) {
- pci_dump_header(bus, dev, func);
- }
- }
- }
- /* back to privilege level for a normal process */
- privilege_level(0);
- return 0;
- }
再看一下 golang 版本的 pcidumper
- package main
- /*
- #include <sys/io.h>
- */
- import "C"
- import (
- "fmt"
- "os"
- "syscall"
- )
- const (
- PciAddrPort = 0x0cf8
- PciDataPort = 0x0cfc
- PciBusMask = 0xff
- PciDevMask = 0x1f
- PciFuncMask = 0x07
- PciRegMask = 0xfc
- PciBusLimit = PciBusMask + 1
- PciDevLimit = PciDevMask + 1
- PciFuncLimit = PciFuncMask + 1
- PciRegLimit = PciRegMask + 1
- )
- func ioLevel(level int) {
- if err := syscall.Iopl(level); err != nil {
- fmt.Print(err)
- os.Exit(1)
- }
- }
- func pciReadConfReg(bus, dev, function, offset uint32) (value uint32) {
- address := 0x80000000 |
- (bus&PciBusMask)<<16 |
- (dev&PciDevMask)<<11 |
- (function&PciFuncMask)<<8 |
- (offset & PciRegMask)
- C.outl(C.uint(address), PciAddrPort)
- value = uint32(C.inl(PciDataPort))
- return
- }
- func pciDumpHeader(bus, dev, function uint32) {
- var offset uint32
- /* check PCI Vendor ID */
- value := pciReadConfReg(bus, dev, function, 0)
- if value&0xffff == 0xffff {
- return
- }
- fmt.Printf("%d:%d.%d\n00 : 0x%08x ", bus, dev, function, value)
- for offset = 4; offset < PciRegLimit; offset += 4 {
- value = pciReadConfReg(bus, dev, function, offset)
- if offset&0x0c == 0x0c {
- if offset != (PciBusLimit - 4) {
- fmt.Printf("0x%08x\n%02x : ", value, (offset + 4))
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("0x%08x\n", value)
- }
- } else {
- fmt.Printf("0x%08x ", value)
- }
- }
- }
- func main() {
- var bus uint32
- var dev uint32
- var function uint32
- ioLevel(3)
- /* scan pci buses */
- for bus = 0; bus < PciBusLimit; bus++ {
- for dev = 0; dev < PciDevLimit; dev++ {
- for function = 0; function < PciFuncLimit; function++ {
- pciDumpHeader(bus, dev, function)
- }
- }
- }
- ioLevel(0)
- }
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