文件: |
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3KB |
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脚本已在RH4.7 CENTOS5.4上测试通过,有问题的话,欢迎探讨
# mysql安装脚本V2.0-支持远程安装
md5num='6ad260ef2a31bcfd712b0c6cf615c8a2' DEST='/usr/local/mysql' DATA='/data/mysql' SRC='/usr/local/src' MS='master' PASS='' err=0 DEST_IP=''
# mysql install check func
# flag=0 it is OK
# flag=1 is is some problem
function mysql_ins_check() {
echo "mysql install envionment variables check:"
echo "*************************************" echo 'checking group \"mysql\" exist...' echo "*************************************" mysql_grp_exist=$(ssh $DEST_IP "cat /etc/group|grep \"mysql\"") if [ -z $mysql_grp_exist ];then #如果为空则代表没有生成mysql用户组
flag_grp_exist=1 echo "mysql_grp_exist="$mysql_grp_exist echo 'it is right !!!mysql group not exist' echo else flag_grp_exist=0 echo -e "\E[33;40m" echo 'mysql group is already exist' tput sgr0 echo err=2 fi
echo "*************************************" echo 'checking user \"mysql\" exist...' echo "*************************************"
user_exist=$(ssh $DEST_IP "cat /etc/passwd|grep mysql")
if [ -z $user_exist ] ;then echo "user \"mysql\" is not exist" echo flag_user=0 else echo -e "\E[33;40m" echo "user \" mysql\" is already exist" tput sgr0 echo flag_user=1 err=2
echo "*************************************" echo 'checking user group is \"mysql\" ...' echo "*************************************" mysql_group=$(echo $user_exist | awk -F: '{print $4}') echo "in /etc/passwd,group NO for username \"mysql\" = "$mysql_group mysql_group_no=$(ssh $DEST_IP "cat /etc/group|grep \"mysql\"|awk -F: '{print \$3}'") echo "in /etc/group, group NO for group \"mysql\" = "$mysql_group_no if [ $mysql_group = $mysql_group_no ]; then echo 'It is right' echo flag_group=0 else echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo 'It is not right' tput sgr0 echo flag_group=1 err=1 fi
echo "*************************************" echo 'checking user login set ...' echo "*************************************" mysql_login=$(echo $user_exist | awk -F: '{print $7}') echo "user_login = "$mysql_login if [ $mysql_login != '/sbin/nologin' ];then echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo "It is not right, execing usermod -s /sbin/nologin mysql" tput sgr0 echo flag_login_shell=1 ssh $DEST_IP "usermod -s /sbin/nologin mysql" else echo "It is right" echo flag_login_shell=0 fi
echo "*************************************" echo 'checking mysqld service ...' echo "*************************************"
if ssh $DEST_IP "[ -x '/etc/init.d/mysqld' ]" ; then echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo "mysqld service is already stay here and can be exec,please checking" tput sgr0 echo flag_mysqld=1 err=1 else
if ssh $DEST_IP "[ -f '/etc/init.d/mysqld' ]" ; then echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo "mysqld service is already stay here but can not exec!!!" tput sgr0 flag_mysqld=1 err=1
else echo "it is right!!!mysqld service is not install..." flag_mysqld=0 fi
fi echo
echo "*************************************" echo 'checking mysql directory ...' echo "*************************************"
if ssh $DEST_IP "test -d $DEST " ;then echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo "mysql directory is already install in $DEST_IP:$DEST" tput sgr0 echo flag_dir=1 err=1
echo "it is right!!!mysql is not install in $DEST_IP:$DEST" echo flag_dir=0
echo "*************************************" echo 'checking mysql data directory ...' echo "*************************************"
if ssh $DEST_IP "test -d $DATA ";then
echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo "mysql data directory is already exist in $DEST_IP:$DATA,please checking" tput sgr0 echo flag_data_dir=1 err=1 else
echo "It is right! $DEST_IP:$DATA not exist" echo flag_data_dir=0
echo "************************************" echo "checking remote /etc/my.cnf already exist?" echo "************************************" if ssh $DEST_IP " test -f '/etc/my.cnf' " ;then echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo "/etc/my.cnf already exist,please check..." tput sgr0 echo err=3 else echo "it is right!!!" echo
# mysql_ins_file_check( )
function mysql_ins_file_check() {
echo "*****************************" echo 'checking src file...' echo "*****************************"
get_md5=$(md5sum $SRC'/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz'|awk '{print $1 }')
echo "md5num in cfg file="$md5num
echo "md5num shell get in file="$get_md5
if [ -f $SRC'/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz' ];then echo 'mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz is exist !!! OK.' if [ $md5num = $get_md5 ]; then
echo 'it is right!!!file md5num ok' echo
else echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo 'file md5num check is failed!!!' tput sgr0 echo err=1 fi else echo -e "\E[31;40m" echo 'mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz is not exist in $SRC!!! please check.' tput sgr0 echo err=1 fi
# create_my_cnf( )
function create_my_cnf {
echo 'please waiting for create /etc/my.cnf...' ssh $DEST_IP "cat > /etc/my.cnf<[client] port = 3306 socket = /tmp/mysql.sock
[mysqld] port = 3306 socket = /tmp/mysql.sock skip-locking key_buffer_size = 256M max_allowed_packet = 4M table_cache = 1024 #skip-innodb sort_buffer_size = 8M net_buffer_length = 16384 read_buffer_size = 16M read_rnd_buffer_size = 32M myisam_sort_buffer_size = 128M
slow_query_log_file=slowquery.log long_query_time=3 #log=query_log thread_cache_size = 16 query_cache_size = 32M
skip-name-resolve tmp_table_size = 256M thread_concurrency = 32 max_connections=64
#default-storage-engine=INNODB log-bin-trust-function-creators=1 log-bin=mysql-bin binlog-format=mix
###innodb innodb_buffer_pool_size = 800M #innodb_buffer_pool_size = 2000M innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 24M #innodb_additional_mem_pool_size = 128M innodb_thread_concurrency=16 innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct = 90 innodb_file_io_threads = 4 innodb_log_file_size = 512M innodb_log_buffer_size = 16M innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit = 2 innodb_lock_wait_timeout = 50 innodb_file_per_table EOF"
if [ $MS = 'master' ];then ssh $DEST_IP "cat >> /etc/my.cnf<server-id=1 EOF" fi
if [ $MS = 'slave' ];then ssh $DEST_IP "cat >> /etc/my.cnf<server-id=2 EOF" fi
ssh $DEST_IP "cat >> /etc/my.cnf<binlog-do-db=together
[mysqldump] quick max_allowed_packet = 16M
[mysql] no-auto-rehash
[isamchk] key_buffer = 256M sort_buffer_size = 256M read_buffer = 2M write_buffer = 2M
[myisamchk] key_buffer = 256M sort_buffer_size = 256M read_buffer = 2M write_buffer = 2M
[mysqlhotcopy] interactive-timeout
function mysql_ins_result() { case "$err" in 1) echo "something wrong happenning ,please checking..."; exit 1;; 2) echo "mysql user or group is already exist,skip creating user or group ";; 3) echo "my.cnf it is already exist,please check"; exit 1;; 0) echo "all OK!!!\n Start install..."; echo "soure path = $SRC \ndest path = $DEST \nDATA path=$DATA \npassword=$PASS\nMaster or Slave=$MS ";; *) exit 1;; esac
function grp_ins() { echo \#shell start
if [ $flag_grp_exist = 1 ];then
echo 'add group mysql' ssh $DEST_IP "groupadd mysql"
fi } function usr_ins() { if [ $flag_user = 1 ];then echo 'add user mysql in group mysql with nologin!!!' useradd -g mysql mysql -s /sbin/nologin fi }
# 判断远端文件是否存在
# 并且判断文件MD5是否正确
function remote_file_check() { if ssh $DEST_IP "test -f $SRC'/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz'" ; then echo 'source is already in remote src' get_r_md5=$( ssh $DEST_IP "md5sum $SRC'/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz'|awk '{print \$1 }'") if [ $md5num = $get_r_md5 ]; then echo 'file md5num ok' echo
else echo 'file md5num check is failed!!!so system will restart copy resource to remote...' echo scp $SRC'/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz' $DEST_IP':'$SRC'/' fi
else echo "mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz is not exist in $DEST_IP:$SRC!!! copy it to remote!! starting copy..." echo scp $SRC'/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz' $DEST_IP':'$SRC'/' fi }
# 解压缩远端文件
function xgz() { echo 'extract src...' ssh $DEST_IP "tar zxf $SRC'/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23.tar.gz' -C /root"
# 将目录移动至目标目录
function mv_to_dest() { echo "mv -f /root/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23 $DEST" ssh $DEST_IP "mv -f /root/mysql-5.1.34-linux-i686-glibc23 $DEST"
# 修改目录所有者所属组mysql:mysql
echo "chown -R mysql:mysql $DEST" ssh $DEST_IP "chown -R mysql:mysql $DEST"
# 建立目标数据目录
function data_manage() { echo "mkdir -p $DATA" ssh $DEST_IP "mkdir -p $DATA"
# 改变数据目录的用户和组mysql:mysql
echo "chown -R mysql:mysql $DATA" ssh $DEST_IP "chown -R mysql:mysql $DATA" }
# 安装数据库初始化数据至指定数据目录
function ins_db() { echo 'install DB data' echo "/usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=$DEST --datadir=$DATA" ssh $DEST_IP "/usr/local/mysql/scripts/mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=$DEST --datadir=$DATA" }
# 制作mysql服务
function create_service() { echo 'make mysql as service' echo 'cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld' ssh $DEST_IP "cp /usr/local/mysql/support-files/mysql.server /etc/init.d/mysqld"
echo echo 'chkconfig mysqld on' ssh $DEST_IP "chkconfig mysqld on"
echo 'service mysqld start' ssh $DEST_IP "service mysqld start" }
# 生成root密码 默认为空
function reset_pass() { echo "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password '$PASS'" ssh $DEST_IP "/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqladmin -u root password '$PASS'"
# Main Part
USAGE="usage:./my_ins.sh -s source_path -d dest_path -D data_path -S [master|slave] -p password -P dest_ip \n-s soure_path [ default /usr/local/src] \n-d dest_path [default /usr/local/mysql] \n-D data_path [default /data/mysql] \n-S master|slave [default master] \n-p password [default ''] \n\E[31;40m-P dest_ip or hostname Must input!!!\E[37;40m"
if [ -z $1 ] ; then echo -e $USAGE tput sgr0 exit 1 fi
while getopts s:d:p:S:D:P:h OPTION; do case "$OPTION" in s) SRC="$OPTARG"; echo 'src='$SRC;; d) DEST="$OPTARG"; echo 'dest='$DEST;; p) PASS="$OPTARG"; echo 'pass='$PASS;; S) MS="$OPTARG"; echo 'master or slave='$MS;; D) DATA="$OPTARG"; echo 'DATA path='$DATA;; P) DEST_IP="$OPTARG"; echo 'DEST_IP or DEST_HOSTNAME='$DEST_IP;; h) echo -e "$USAGE"; tput sgr0; exit 1 ;; *)echo -e "$USAGE"; tput sgr0; exit 1;; esac done
if [ -z $DEST_IP ]; then
echo -e "\E[31;40m-P dest_ip or hostname Must input!!!\E[37;40m" tput sgr0 exit 1
# 配置mysql环境变量,path etc
my_path=$(ssh $DEST_IP "cat /etc/profile |grep 'PATH'|grep \"$DEST/bin\"")
if [ "$my_path" = '' ] then ssh $DEST_IP "echo 'export PATH=$DEST/bin:\$PATH' >> /etc/profile'" echo ssh $DEST_IP "echo 'export PATH=\$DEST/bin:\$PATH' >> /etc/profile" else echo "it is already exist" fi
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