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分类: 数据库开发技术

2011-07-07 15:02:56

    Database Record/Replay (diagLogging command)

Recording database operations, and replaying them later, is sometimes a good way to reproduce certain problems in a controlled environment.

To enable logging:打开日志记录

db._adminCommand( { diagLogging : 1 } )

To disable:关闭日志记录

db._adminCommand( { diagLogging : 0 } )

Values for diagLogging:参数值含义

  • 0 off. Also flushes any pending data to the file.
  • 1 log writes
  • 2 log reads
  • 3 log both
    Note: if you log reads, it will record the findOnes above and if you replay them, that will have an effect!

Output is written to diaglog.bin_ in the /data/db/ directory (unless --dbpath is specified).

To replay the logged events:恢复日志的方式

nc ''database_server_ip'' 27017 < ''somelog.bin'' | hexdump -c
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